Sex is all about emtion. .... And this was rore emotion. Primal. It was horrible but because they were, Are in a sxual relationship somethings can happen. I never said it was wrong bt his lover clearly new what he liked... And that included rogh. He even said that Te other guy mainly said no.... Ahhhhhhh No matter what I say you will still believe in what you want to believe. I just want to know why did you read it if you think that? You have to be more understanding and open minded with these kinds of stories and you don't seem to be that. It's hard to explain....

No it was rape anf I dont get how you dont see it, yes his partner does understand that he likes rough sex but its a mutual thing in the beginning not just roughly throwing him to the floor and forcefully removing clothes while he clearly screams "no", did you take notice that in the first sex scene his rectum isnt bleeding?? Did you take notice thay in the last sex scene the seme is clearing feeling guilty about what he's doing??? It was rape but the uke understands emotionally what is going on yet that doesnt change the fact that he (the seme) forced himself on to the uke

(Wasnt- Sorry I had many spelling mistakes on the last one. I never said it wasn't wrong however I think it was slightly different.... I think the fact that they were partners ... Ah I really cant explain it It was horrible and really brutal but it wasn't quite there,... Ugh I know what you mean. But I still think it wasn't QUITE rape.... I dnno I've read so much yaoi now and there is a difference. I've read the truly terrible ones, (unintentional though- It was those that do a 180) And Maybe it's because it turned into something more it made it less than rape.... Meh. Again I really cannot explain it.

I agree with you.. Seme was jealous, when the Uke call out someone else name but that's obvious, how you can't be jealous, when the one you love, call someone else name from the sleep. As you said, hit him was wrong but at all Yaoi manga I've read, always.. Always when the Seme got jealous, he was rough at Uke and sometimes in the manga he also "rape" him. Maybe I can't call it rape here, because Uke accepted that in the end ~ I think this wasn't rape at all.. Because there are more mangas, where it's really horrible. So ..
I like this manga and I wanted it to continue I feel like they cut the end a little..
I feel hurt for the Seme, because he looked really sad.. Awwh..

I agree entirely with your assessment. I've read over 560 yaoi, I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen the uke say things like "yes", "more", "harder", "keep going", etc. All ukes say "no" but put up no resistance. Rather, they hug, kiss and cling to the seme while saying "no". Making "rape" a part of every yaoi sex scene is figment of an angry readers imagination. Distinguishing "no" from "get the fuck off me" in yaoi is not difficult for an open minded reader. Not to mention that "rape" is fetish content within porn and, like it or not, yaoi is porn.
So I get what everyone is going on about. Yes it was wrong that the seme hit the uke however I think maybe the seme had thought they were in a relationship and hearing his lover call someone elses name must have really got to him. And then after that the uke wasnt replying and acting all guilty. I'm not justifying it because it was wrong but in yaoi whenever the seme is jelouse he is normally rather rough. And some its even rape where as in this... Okay yes it was kinda rape but th... it wasnt? Because I think th Uke agreed.. I dunno but I think it was.... Nice in some way. At least it cold be if it continued. Again what the seme did was wrong but I think it truly was ot of despair. He thought he was losing the man he loved to someone else :/