Its just the rule the dad lives by.. despite him not actualy being neutral he thinks himself to be neutral.. in other words he donst interfer if there is an argument or take a side.. like with Fl saying she pulled a sword on Cosette because she badmouthed FL's mother.. he chose to punish FL not because she was defending herself or because he was defending Cosette, but because her actions humiliated him as the maids and servants were on Cosette's side he ended up loosing face... = punishing Fl for not being able to be perfect in his eyes... SO yet again he is a selfish ahole..

And here I was trying to decipher his expressions and coming up with conclusions. *sigh* This is a major twist and a fucked up problem. So, he wanted to prevent his house from being destroyed and to save his ass. Then, was he going to use her correctly in order to prevent that future?!! Did he always not care about Zeke? Unbelievable, it makes me wonder if his father also did that or if it was just his own rule. *sigh*
Below is masive spoilers from the novel.
And yes... The dad is still scum.
So here goes.
The main antagonist in the novel is not Cosette, but the father!
All the problems of the novel have one main cause, the father.
The first wife, Cosette's mother was slanderd and abused by followers of the second wife.
Yes the dipshit had two wives at onece.. First wife was favored so second wife's family tried to soil her reputation, even going as fars at to hire assasins and start rumors of her being infertile. (second wife was not part of any of this).
The father saw him self as a Neutral... Entety so he didnt intervein and let it all pass.
Finaly sending the first wife away for being infertile, not knowing she was pregnant.
First wife svares Vengenace on the household and makes a deal with a demon, in exchange for her soul the demon will destroy the household. Onece the contract is setablished the first wife dies and so does her child un benowns to her, as she hadnt given birth yet. The demon inhabits one of the children Cosette ( she was carrying twins one male and one female). The second child a boy is alive and plots vengeance (Cosette's brother). Cosette was never born so the demon inhabits her body = she was never a live. The brother makes a pact with the demon to take down the household.
The duke that introducses Cosette is actualy her twin brother after the pact with the demon... he is never seen again because all who make a pact with the demon dies not long after. (the demon changed him to look older for its revenge)
The father actualy never thought FL wasn't his child... but because he was Neutral he didnt wana change peoples minds or interfear with the rumors created by Cosette. .. What a prick.
Fl awakens her power but Cosette beats her to the punch with showing it of.. so everyone thinks FL is fake and a witch/ demon that will bring chaos and destruction at the age of 20... so they vote to execute her...
Cosette didnt actualy summon the water spirits, she just stole the ones FL summoned making fl and everyone think she awoke.)
The Neutral ashat of a father finaly desides to cast his neutrality out the window and votes yes to execute Fl... This despite knowing she is his daughter and not a witch..
The person who brings FL's soul back to her body 2 months before Cosette shoved up was.... The FUCKING FATHER... aparently with FL's death hell came to earth and Cosette was proven to be a demon.
The father desided to not resurect Fl, nope Fl comming back to life with her memores was just a happy accident... What the father was trying to do was send himself back to his past self with memories in tact to prevent the destruction of his household...
SO it was all to save his own ass...
The Spell was rushed and faulty, needing 2 strong magiciant to pull it off and the father being one of them. If the spell succeeded they would both be sent back but only one woould have the memories the other wouldnt. But Fl got her memores so the father only has fragments.
Cosette shoves up and father desides to rty playing father... letting Cosette and FL physicaly fight---Fl gets tired and leaves home with her brother to travel and abandones her father..
The dad is a selfish ahole why only turned back time to save himsel.. and Fl was brought back as a fluke..