Girl I dunno can you see the psychological tag? This is the point of the story it's literally in the summary not everyone has perfect relationship tbh and this is just a manga so calm down and if you don't like this just leave and move on with life like what I do when I find a protagonist in smut manga to be extremely braind dead and has no hope makes me question if they actually have a working brain and if you're worried young girls might think this cute or romantic or normal this is how relationships are and they won't think this is actually toxic first of all why would young girls read this? this is fucking smut and if they want to that their choice tbh and since when did smut made sense? If you think this is trash then wow you deduced a josei smut manga that supposed to be trashy as trash such big brain give yourself an award and I'm actually surprised no one noticed that it wasn't the ml who was torturing the fl it's actually the fl who did the torturing she manipulated him through reverse psychology why did you think she immediately agreed to start their relationship and their marriage without letting him take back what he said? Despite her saying that she understands this is a one night stand and she has plans going somewhere she let him wallow in his insecurities why do you think she was so patient with him for 8 fucking years coz she knows how crazy he is for her she literally said that in one chapter how confident she is that he loves her right in his face sorry for the long rant but I needed to say this

I'm sorry for the accidental downvote!
Lmao I hold the same sentiment for the ML what an asshole ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
It's a really weird development ngl
What kind of martryr is the FL to bear that treatment for 7-8 years!??!?
I would've yeeted out of there fam I don't need that hot-cold shit in my marriage.

Dude I think u have to chill lmao.
I just think the plot is just not good, it's rushed and don't even make much sense so ist "Trash" in my eyes. And even if it's smut or psychological it's still.. trash¯_(ツ)_/¯ has nothing to do with the genre lol.
Btw Yeah duh it's psychology but the Male lead is still trash? Like the the manwha Killing stalking is kinda a lot psychology and mind fuck and the male leads in this manwha is fucking toxic and trash as hell. EVEN THOUGH it's a lot of rape and yaoi an Smut. I mean or do you think those males are .. ehhhh not.. trash? Like bro ok if u want such a boyfriend go ahead?
Its not about the genre or if I want some happy peppy couple. It's about the bad writing and the not plausible action of the characters. They don't make that much sense in most of the sense tho lol
Ps. Killing stalking was a great psychology and smut yaoi that talks about deep psychological problems like PTSD and this "psychology" manga is just about .. "oh gurl I'm insecure about myself so fuck off" and most of the time it's not that deep or reasonable┐(´ー`)┌
Just compare those two lol.
Please don't take this response as an attack.
Just want to make my point clear because you just described stuff that has nothing to do with my stuff.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

True tho.
Sorry but I don't understand the vote down cause it means those people like this.. uh.. rushed and.. not plausible manga or the like such trashy male leads?
Bro I just don't understand what the author was thinking.
Just so toxic toxic relationship.
A guy that does everything he wants and a dumb gurl who can't say anything back or do anything although he did something so horrible? And the reason why she endure this is because the power of love? BITCH ok. Maybe I should call my ex boyfriend and tell him it was ok being TOXIC let's get back together lol.
Sorry but so triggert.
I know I know it's all fictional but even it fictional it's still could make sense and this manga really don't make sense at all. It's not deep or even "psychology" lmao it's really just superficial and tries to hard to be deep乁( •_• )ㄏ
Sorry but this isn't a plausible explanation at all.
Like what a fucking bastard are you to be so egoistic to torture a person for 8 years because of your own iNsEcUrItY. And his sudden change because of what? Become "yeah it's ok now after 8 years of torturing her, she didn't leave so I trust her now, I will be sweet to her now lol"
Jesus Christ this is called TOXIC.
And don't make me start talking about this dumb female lead (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Male Lead - Trash
Femal Lead - Trash
Plot and Story - Trash
Smut - it's .. ok
What ever but this doesn't make sense at all.
Trash is still trash! Change my mind.