Wishy-washy October 1, 2020 4:12 pm

Ummm so,, could anybody enlighten me why I can't comment on these mangas like POTN, love or hate, killing stalking, etc? Only on these mangas. Others I have no problem with.

    bhosutinax October 1, 2020 4:19 pm

    define comment? cause if its a link those sections wont accept them fsr. but if its just words then that may be because theyre the most active sections in the site. like have u seen the fan wars in LOH? dAmn people be commenting 24/7 just to prove a point with their ships

    Wishy-washy October 1, 2020 4:27 pm
    define comment? cause if its a link those sections wont accept them fsr. but if its just words then that may be because theyre the most active sections in the site. like have u seen the fan wars in LOH? dAmn pe... bhosutinax

    I meant creating topics.

    Yea I have and tbh I was part of that hellhole too for some time back then before I deleted my old account. Now I'm back and would love to unleash my personal opinions that'd definitely spite some peeps. Just like in those good ol days.

    send nood....les October 1, 2020 4:38 pm
    I meant creating topics.Yea I have and tbh I was part of that hellhole too for some time back then before I deleted my old account. Now I'm back and would love to unleash my personal opinions that'd definitely ... Wishy-washy

    Lmfao mood. I think those manhwas have lots of trolling going on so they monitor the comments. I can’t post on potn sometimes too and it used to happen for lack of love too

    arcticxs October 2, 2020 2:37 am

    I have this problem too!! I've tried everything from switching browsers, mobile, VPN, creating a new account, clearing cookies/cache, but no go. And it's the manhwas you mentioned plus a couple more that I'm not able to comment on. It's so frustrating!!

    Wishy-washy October 7, 2020 7:11 am
    I have this problem too!! I've tried everything from switching browsers, mobile, VPN, creating a new account, clearing cookies/cache, but no go. And it's the manhwas you mentioned plus a couple more that I'm no... arcticxs

    If you haven't figured it out already, apparently you need to wait for ten days before being able to comment on those mangas

    Mai January 29, 2021 5:36 am

    Its cuz there is a huge influx of comments every second, n usually my comment get lost even if it apperas