I found the raws guys늪의_나락_후기.html
There's nothing to do with what I said, but I gave a try. Also... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT WITH TAEHYUN?!?? WAS THAT A FUCKING LOVE TRIANGLE?!?!?
That was kinda cute lol. Loved it.
It's not really a theory, but I think that he's gonna die and Taehyun is gonna transform him in a vampire.
Hajin's probably not gonna feel betrayed because Taehyun like's Black-haired-protagonist-that-I-forgot-the-name (lol), but he's gonna feel betrayed, because Taehyun was the one to transform Hajin's boyfriend into a vampire.
I think that Hajin's probably gonna do something about Jaehyuk's behavior too.... But I'm not sure about how he's gonna do it....
That's just so messed up omg