He seems really pathetic more than anything. This is BJ Alex levels of low self worth reasoning of self destructiveness. Try as I might I don’t feel sorry for him. He knew it was wrong, knew he was taking advantage given his personal interests to allow the first drunken sex (dubious really), but also knew he was being objectified and used at the same time thereafter. You made your bed. And now you’re crying about something that was the only plain course to your decision because you won’t confess but also hate how he “ doesn’t see you”? Are you a teenage girl with angst in a grown man’s body? Did I stumble across a Sarah J Mass YA? How are you this self aware and stupid at the same time.... and how is this always seen as attractive in these kinds of plot?
because it's really happens irl
Especially if your crush is straight and in some country gay is considered as taboo things.
Maybe if its happen to me irl with my crush i'll do the same as mc did (yeah i'm a guy) but, confess later when i think i'm ready for the consequences.
TLDR i think gay love is more complicated than straight ones ? Because there's so many social aspect included.
Oh I definitely feel your pain and I won’t dispute that reality. But it’s also why we have gay/bi also continue to fetishize and idolize straight men and continue their internalize homophobia against themselves and others in the lgbt+ community. With these men knowing they’re doing it and then expecting to be pitied while having the awareness of its negativity, yet don’t seek to change it claiming it’s a “preference”, MascfMasc, no femmes etc. It’s just a constant barrage of this type of story low self worth and low self esteem being romanticized, being mistreated, falling in love usually with said source of pain, rinse and repeat.
Maybe because that kind of story attracts more reader since its close to his/her reality ?
Since i really dont pity the mc cause he realize he's just hurting himself like that but since i dont know what circumstance the mc has i cant bring myself to hate the mc and most gay people will face this kind of hurdle i think ?
IMO maybe what makes this kind of story interesting is the progress that mc facing, accepting his fault and love himself more, hopefully the story wont have any stupidly long drama to make mc better
I don’t know how I feel bout this I mean if I had a crush on my friend I wouldn’t let myself have meaningless sex with them and then cry like I’m sorry uwu buttt