Reading this made me realize I haven't been to my dentist to get my braces adjusted for a while now
Does getting braces hurt???
For the first 3-4days yes later you get used to it
The actual process of getting braces don't hurt at all, but the next few days are hell
Okay, I'm scared (getting braces in a week)
You get used to it, but the first few hours and days were rough because I couldn't even chew anything, and I would wake up in the middle of sleeping because I was accidentaly grinding my teeth and made them hurt
Ah make sure to eat soft foods because your teeth will hurt so much! :'(
@annieStorm ..ok I will thanks You guys (*´∇`*)
Aha no problem! ^-^
Reading this made me realize I haven't been to my dentist to get my braces adjusted for a while now