i just read your username and do you really ship them. that's such a ............. i've never read the doujins for hxh but fuck that's an interesting ship. is it real or sarcastic.
also sure; depending on the pheromones released, it's either an elephant or a ladybug.
Yea I know he’s not a beta but the guy is supposed to think he’s one. So I’m wondering how he marked him without knowing he’s not an omega heartbeatcoochie
Yeah I was wondering the same. Coz you cant mark betas I believe
oh i just understood what you were asking lol. i think since bonding is the one that really requires it to be an omega, marking just means leaving your scent ? so like cumming inside or something or licking him a lot. maybe even peeing on him while he's sleeping ig
Wait you can mark betas?