Is it misogyny if women mangaka write awful female characters as a trope and female readers viciously perceive any attractive female character in a BL manga as a bitch and a threat?
Yes it is. The trope is misogynistic, as is anyone who buys into that overused, outdated bullshit.
It is literally the worst BL trope that came out of the 90s, and it needs to drop dead.

Everyone buys into it because we know it will happen. If it doesn’t happen than we’re happy and we don’t care about the girl and she can go on her merry way. The same thing happens in shoujo but it will happen with guys and girls and honestly if it were a guy instead of a girl we’d still attack them because we’d still think he’d try something
she barely said anything and y’all are coming for her throat the misogyny is spilling out