Normalizing rape again? Sigh

SINNER_ September 29, 2020 6:52 pm

Normalizing rape again? Sigh

    SINNER_ June 9, 2021 8:45 pm
    You can say that about video games, books, manga... basically any form of entertainment that has murder in it. "Wow normalizing murder again?"' It's just fiction at the end of the day dumbass. ThirdVelocity

    Well you didn't get my point fucktard. In fiction it is normal to depict murders, rape, violence and any sort of unimaginable stuffs that we don't expect to happen irl. When I say normalizing rape, I mean I don't appreciate the fact that they make rape one of the initial stages to develop a love relationship. There is nothing wrong to draw a rape scene in the plot, like there is nothing wrong in depicting a murder scene in a fiction. And there is a huge difference between depicting and normalizing such inhuman actions.

    SINNER_ June 9, 2021 8:47 pm
    Ugh? Then do you believe that the concept of Raping someone then the victim would fall in love with the rapist? That's so fvcked up. I did not deny nor ignore the crime made by the perpetrators, I assumed that ... Just a potato passing by

    Yea i am not in the rape culture fluff and neither i promote for it. Having your personal choices are fine but I don't think you have the right to dismiss my points and perceptions about this and we can definitely discuss about it in a constructive way.

    SINNER_ June 9, 2021 8:50 pm
    Because if you compare THIS KIND OF FICTION in real life, you sure are something. Just a potato passing by

    Ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome?
    Yes sometimes do end up happening irl and people do get influenced by fictional creation. Even though the percentage can be few, but it do happen. An artists shouldn't have any boundaries to his creations and I respect that but they should also not fuck up with sanity of the audience. Well this is a very subjective topic but yea I will never justify normalizing rape culture in any fiction.

    SINNER_ June 9, 2021 8:52 pm
    What remains in fiction, must be fiction. What remains in real life, must be in real life, but also it can be in fiction but has a twist of imagination and someone's fantasy. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Just a potato passing by

    And my point was about normalizing rape in fiction. I am reading a goddamn mango obviously I am not talking about real life scenarios.