
jessi September 29, 2020 7:10 am

Ive read a lot of manga and storylines often get repetitive but this storyline wasn't like a lot of the ones I've read it was different in its own way. The Seme had me irritated a couple of times because of the way he acted out, but he is supposed to be portrayed as “innocent”, so him making constant efforts for the one he loves/likes does end up executing that innocent persona. The pee seen... sis that was outta pocket but it was cool, this is the second pee scene I've seen. Gotta love this author, totally gonna binge the rest of his works

    xoxo4000 April 20, 2021 9:10 am

    fr i don't get why people get so weirded out over drinking pee, many people have that kink it's actually not that uncommon