
niconii September 29, 2020 2:19 am

People in the replies are bitching about Mr. Han but no one is gonna bitch about Hwi being annoying and rude right now? Not only did he basically force Param into this position, but he also didn't stop. This is Param's JOB. His job is more important than someone wanting to suck nipples. He very well could have gotten fired if he slipped, moaned and had a boss that wasn't Mr. Han. Hwi was extremely entitled this episode. I still like him but he needs to learn when to stop and take no for an answer or to simply wait.

    lilpeepandjuicewrld September 29, 2020 2:33 am

    umm if u mad cuz of our opinions then u should go back to second-grade babe cuz ur actin like a whole damn child, tf u mad fo stop reading the comments then. stop acting like a Lil bitch and STFU ...

    niconii September 29, 2020 2:43 am
    umm if u mad cuz of our opinions then u should go back to second-grade babe cuz ur actin like a whole damn child, tf u mad fo stop reading the comments then. stop acting like a Lil bitch and STFU ... lilpeepandjuicewrld

    Lol the one mad here is you, plus how are you going to tell me to 'go back to second grade' when you don't know how to spell nor use punctuation? If anyone is a little bitch and needs to stfu it's 100% you

    lilpeepandjuicewrld September 29, 2020 2:51 am
    Lol the one mad here is you, plus how are you going to tell me to 'go back to second grade' when you don't know how to spell nor use punctuation? If anyone is a little bitch and needs to stfu it's 100% you niconii

    let's wait maybe I'll give a fuck also it's called slang words boo u should look it up, and no ur not a bitch ur a cum slut so STFU cum slut ...

    niconii September 29, 2020 2:56 am
    let's wait maybe I'll give a fuck also it's called slang words boo u should look it up, and no ur not a bitch ur a cum slut so STFU cum slut ... lilpeepandjuicewrld

    pee pee poo poo cry about it. shouldn't you be studying for school and doing your homework? you don't even know what slang is, that's so sad.

    Niceboobs September 29, 2020 3:11 am
    umm if u mad cuz of our opinions then u should go back to second-grade babe cuz ur actin like a whole damn child, tf u mad fo stop reading the comments then. stop acting like a Lil bitch and STFU ... lilpeepandjuicewrld

    You are rude for no reason

    lilpeepandjuicewrld September 29, 2020 3:20 am
    pee pee poo poo cry about it. shouldn't you be studying for school and doing your homework? you don't even know what slang is, that's so sad. niconii

    umm it's 11:20 so no babe also idgaf if u don't think it's slang tf

    lilpeepandjuicewrld September 29, 2020 3:22 am
    You are rude for no reason Niceboobs

    I- who tf was talking 2 u like mind ya goddamn business hoe

    Mari September 29, 2020 4:45 am

    I read the replies from the other girl and I’m so sorry but THEY DID NOT JUST CALL U A CUM SLUT LMAOOOAAOAO. Anyways, man idk it’s just that Mr. Han is probably going to progress in a deep and weird obsession with Param. Also Param said that he’s comfortable with Hwi so there’s no need to be mad at him because Param would’ve told him to stop or pushed him away.

    pit0nisa September 29, 2020 6:16 am

    i think param could have stop it if wanted to, after all and, as far as it seems until now, hwi is very considerate and respectful as a sex partner

    lilpeepandjuicewrld September 29, 2020 6:08 pm
    I read the replies from the other girl and I’m so sorry but THEY DID NOT JUST CALL U A CUM SLUT LMAOOOAAOAO. Anyways, man idk it’s just that Mr. Han is probably going to progress in a deep and weird obsessi... Mari

    lmaooo it was me

    Mari September 29, 2020 6:58 pm
    lmaooo it was me lilpeepandjuicewrld


    lilpeepandjuicewrld September 29, 2020 7:29 pm

    niconii October 2, 2020 4:18 pm
    I read the replies from the other girl and I’m so sorry but THEY DID NOT JUST CALL U A CUM SLUT LMAOOOAAOAO. Anyways, man idk it’s just that Mr. Han is probably going to progress in a deep and weird obsessi... Mari

    They talk like a 5 year old so I'm not bothered, lol it was funny I was laughing at that too XD. As for the story idk, I don't sense that at all. Param also never said he was uncomfortable with Mr. Han, it's legit just people's over jealous, fictional character biased obsession. Making shit up just to push your own fav forward is just so stupid. You can have your favorite ship/pairing without lying lol. (Not you, others).

    Mari October 2, 2020 9:14 pm
    They talk like a 5 year old so I'm not bothered, lol it was funny I was laughing at that too XD. As for the story idk, I don't sense that at all. Param also never said he was uncomfortable with Mr. Han, it's le... niconii

    I’ll be honest and say I’m biased, haha, I just think it would be better with Hwi cause most yaoi’s have that common CEO x employee type of plot yk? Spicy things up a bit

    niconii October 3, 2020 12:05 am
    I’ll be honest and say I’m biased, haha, I just think it would be better with Hwi cause most yaoi’s have that common CEO x employee type of plot yk? Spicy things up a bit Mari

    I can totally agree, it would be something new! For me, I don't have a bias honestly. I prefer either or and tbh I even think Param could do with someone else too. Honestly, I'm really interested in his female friend! I love her character I want to know more about her.