rare and yet two people he knows found their soul bonds, im just saying will is right to not want to even take the chance, hes a human beta a past servant who had to crawl his way to he is now, to get where is and lose the chance of stability by potentially having his partner whisked away by his fated mate is quite ???

Nope nope read the first chapter again soul bond + heat + mating mark practically seals the deal it doesnt matter if julio carves out his mark he wont be able to react to anyone other than his "mate "
i doubt the uncle wouldve stepped off wanting to set his nephews up with people if it werent for the soul bond which shows it isnt something that can just be rejected and moved on from
soul bonds and all that shit are basically set in stone so will is right in whether he wants to pursue a relationship with julio and daath is just too close too julio to even think from will's perspective lol