
Misa_03 September 28, 2020 10:00 am

This directoe then will fall in love with the MH, and will sleep with him and etc. But will bot accept it, still will perform his act of a cool guy.
Once in rut he will come the MH and idk how it say "r*pe" him? Idk. Cause at the beginning he was refusing, but then at the middle hugging director. Ok, to the point he will then see at the next days that he is with another women in reception and our sweety will be hurt
Then at the party he will feel dizzy and go outside where he met another person, but thats not the point, he will then argue with our CEO. I mean, CEO will pushing him on our sweety and being like " you love me dont you "and etc and because MH was hurt and offended with him for cheating he still did not wish to talk with CEO that was like "cheating? What is cheatin? It is just releasing my urge". But then at moment when CEO pushes himself further, MH will bite his inner side of an arm and bleed, while seeing this CEO wrap his arm with own necktie. But agains that is not meaningful details( it is just showing that CEO worry about him,)
Then after MH fainted and was driven to hospital, they say he is pregnant(. Ofc, after the rut of CEO he became pregnant). But will say that the baby is not his (CEO's) but another man's. And ceo be like " you re not like me, you would not do this, i know this baby is mine" and etc. But then MH says "i can be similar to you, and i was not r*ped, i agreed to this, because i had to take urge as you do" and soooo he faint again and ch 31 ended. I m still waiting for continuation.

    sangrientaluna September 28, 2020 10:02 am

    First time seeing MH. What's it? Main hero?

    ~°Æsthetic Ian°~ September 28, 2020 10:07 am

    LOL i won't read it :'))

    Moemoekyun September 28, 2020 1:15 pm
    First time seeing MH. What's it? Main hero? sangrientaluna

    Lmao,me thinking the same.

    Misa_03 September 29, 2020 1:35 am
    First time seeing MH. What's it? Main hero? sangrientaluna

    Oh, sorry it is just in russian we have smth like Main Hero,but it should be Main Character
    But yeah, you guessed right