I actually read part of the novel, up to around 120 chapters. I know a lot of you guys lik...

sqeeee September 28, 2020 1:20 am

I actually read part of the novel, up to around 120 chapters. I know a lot of you guys like Jun Xuanxiao now because he protects Shen Yu, but he does a lot of things I wouldn’t really admire about him. A lot of spoilers down below. JXX = Jun Xuanxiao, SY = Shen Yu, XXY = Xiao Xiye (Emperor), DR = Dai Rou (Princess Consort)

First of all, Jun Xuanxiao is nothing but a man filled with vinegar. He found out Shen Yu lied about Xiao Xiye(Emperor) visiting the pavilion. He already knew XXY visited SY, but he wanted to test SY to see if he would tell the truth. After that day he ignored SY I believe. Then came the hunting day, XXY, JXX, and DR were out on the grounds but JXX made SY stay inside the carriage with Song Qing guarding him. Shen Yu wanted to join JXX so he asked Song Qing to teach him, when SQ was trying to help SY get on the horse, JXX came back and saw SQ holding his thigh and he became angry. A bunch of Huns came later, XXY and JXX sent DR back to SY when Song Qing was taking SY away from the Huns. DR asked SY to let her in the carriage, he agreed and she pushed him off the carriage, he fell down the cliff. JXX and XXY went to go find him, and at the end of that chapter, JXX says the one thing he regrets most is not being the one who found SY that night. XXY was the one who found him, and they stayed in a cave to keep warm. In the morning JXX found them and he saw SY had XXY’s cape over him, he got mad and then left. I won’t say a lot about that scene but later XXY took back JXX’s army. He got mad and XXY called what he did rebellion so he locked up JXX (escaped later thanks to Shen Yu). Also Shen Yu’s origins (Yunmeng) plays a very important part to this story but I won’t say much on it. The one thing that ticks me though is that JXX does bring back another person to his palace (works under Dai Rou), Shen Yu overheard JXX say to that person that Shen Yu was just a sex slave for him. When SY asked JXX if he had ever loved him, JXX responds with “Never.”

    Whoopsies September 28, 2020 2:55 am

    is that the end of it or is there a happy ending bc i will drop this so quick if there isnt

    Tokyo September 28, 2020 4:16 am

    whats the novel called? and can you drop the link i would love to read it

    sqeeee September 28, 2020 5:52 am
    is that the end of it or is there a happy ending bc i will drop this so quick if there isnt Whoopsies

    spoilers //

    there is a happy ending! shen yu gets pregnant (i believe it’s because of his Yunmeng origins). I haven’t finished it yet but that’s what i found out on novelupdates!

    sqeeee September 28, 2020 5:56 am
    whats the novel called? and can you drop the link i would love to read it Tokyo

    it’s called silent lover!! i read the chinese raws but you can try reading it machine translated. http://mfeik.com/2_2410/

    sqeeee September 28, 2020 5:59 am
    whats the novel called? and can you drop the link i would love to read it Tokyo

    sorry i tried the link and its not working on mobile http://www.mfeik.com/2_2410/ should be the correct link

    LemonPyong September 28, 2020 6:50 am

    Did the Emperor lay his hand on Shen Yu?
    Did they do it??

    yaoibeauty September 28, 2020 9:47 am
    is that the end of it or is there a happy ending bc i will drop this so quick if there isnt Whoopsies

    I am with you on that.... despicable

    Roro0 September 28, 2020 9:54 am
    sorry i tried the link and its not working on mobile http://www.mfeik.com/2_2410/ should be the correct link sqeeee

    I can't belive to myself that I am about to read the novel than reading my school requirements, Oh what the heck.

    Roro0 September 28, 2020 9:55 am
    sorry i tried the link and its not working on mobile http://www.mfeik.com/2_2410/ should be the correct link sqeeee

    Oh another thing, is there no "already" translated to english? Just wondering tho.

    XjellowHellowX September 28, 2020 10:12 am
    spoilers //there is a happy ending! shen yu gets pregnant (i believe it’s because of his Yunmeng origins). I haven’t finished it yet but that’s what i found out on novelupdates! sqeeee

    Wait who is the father? JXX Or XXY?

    __yūmcha September 28, 2020 10:17 am

    OOOoooooooooo Im dropping this lol.. im sorry i hate the seme's attitude

    __yūmcha September 28, 2020 10:18 am
    Wait who is the father? JXX Or XXY? XjellowHellowX

    i wanna know too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kaycee September 28, 2020 3:17 pm
    spoilers //there is a happy ending! shen yu gets pregnant (i believe it’s because of his Yunmeng origins). I haven’t finished it yet but that’s what i found out on novelupdates! sqeeee

    He crushed the red thing, what will happen now? Will it still lead to the happy ending? Tell me it will. My heart was crushed together with it. T_T

    sqeeee September 28, 2020 3:17 pm
    Did the Emperor lay his hand on Shen Yu?Did they do it?? LemonPyong

    spoiler //

    they never did anything, but back in the cave xiao xiye hugged shen yu because he was freezing, xiao xiye took shen yu back to his palace during the time jun xuanxiao “rebelled” but shen yu always reject xiao xiye’s advances, so tdlr: no

    Kaycee September 28, 2020 3:18 pm
    Wait who is the father? JXX Or XXY? XjellowHellowX

    I want to believe it is JXX. I really hope so... T_T

    sqeeee September 28, 2020 3:19 pm
    Oh another thing, is there no "already" translated to english? Just wondering tho. Roro0

    There’s one by Flex Tape Scan https://flextapescans.wordpress.com/silent-lover/ unfortunately they’re at ch 36 ish which is right around the part where shen yu gets exposed for being a man

    sqeeee September 28, 2020 3:20 pm
    Wait who is the father? JXX Or XXY? XjellowHellowX

    spoilers //

    JXX is, I think by the end of the novel XXY found someone he loves too.

    sqeeee September 28, 2020 3:22 pm
    He crushed the red thing, what will happen now? Will it still lead to the happy ending? Tell me it will. My heart was crushed together with it. T_T Kaycee

    spoilers //

    there’s a happy ending, currently i’m not sure myself but the part i’m reading now, xiao xiye is looking over this place near yunmeng, so sooner or later we’re gonna explore shen yu’s origins. apparently he’s part of this family i kind of forgot the name but i think it was really important

    Kaycee September 28, 2020 3:50 pm

    Thank you soo much!! You made my day!

    Tokyo September 28, 2020 3:52 pm

    omg, same I'm so happy. my computer auto-translated and I just jumped in I'm on chapter 6 already