don't know...

Lady P0ny March 17, 2015 11:29 pm

I don't know what to think about this at all... Kirino acting girly and stuff, is it for fun or is does he have a crossdresser soul? I don't want Mishima ending up with Yumeno =/

    TUTU March 18, 2015 1:21 am

    Kirino is just like Mishima. He is feminine at heart but can't show it due to his environment. And he is also jealous of Mishima cuz Mishima is cute and feminine on the outside already.

    Lady P0ny March 18, 2015 8:36 pm
    Kirino is just like Mishima. He is feminine at heart but can't show it due to his environment. And he is also jealous of Mishima cuz Mishima is cute and feminine on the outside already. TUTU

    thanks for giving me a different point of view!! Now made a lot more sense to me, cause I could swear Kirino was in love with Mishima, but your point is a good one!