am i projecting or-

aquari September 26, 2020 9:04 pm

this chapter was like really gay... right? like it’s not the fudanshi in me it was like giving serious homoerotic undertones right ??(⊙…⊙ )

    LatteGratte September 27, 2020 7:56 pm
    I’ve noticed you always comment on other people’s comments and I’ve always wanted to say this but I didn’t want to hurt your feelings or be misunderstood by you, but you shouldn’t “ try to prove” ... Rababruby

    And I’ll “prove things” to people if what they’re saying is false. I am also not interested in making any friends here. Anyways, sorry for hurting your feelings. With whatever I said to you.

    Rababruby September 27, 2020 8:25 pm
    I’m just a blunt person. Sorry that I hurt your feelings. I don’t recall what I said to you. LatteGratte

    It’s alright you don’t have to apologise it happened along time ago, and I’m not the type of person who’s going to stay hurt over a few words. I just wanted to say that to you because you don’t know how it’ll impact someone’s day . And you seem like an intelligent person who knows a lot so yeah.. I hope you understand.

    Yuki September 27, 2020 8:39 pm

    Loving how everyone is chomping each other's necks over this one topic lmfao.

    LatteGratte September 27, 2020 8:52 pm
    It’s alright you don’t have to apologise it happened along time ago, and I’m not the type of person who’s going to stay hurt over a few words. I just wanted to say that to you because you don’t know h... Rababruby

    Thank you for the compliment. I’ll try to be more aware on how my words can affect others.

    Rababruby September 27, 2020 9:25 pm
    I’m just a blunt person. Sorry that I hurt your feelings. I don’t recall what I said to you. LatteGratte

    It’s alright you don’t have to apologise it happened I long time ago..

    Rababruby September 27, 2020 9:25 pm
    It’s alright you don’t have to apologise it happened I long time ago.. Rababruby


    Rababruby September 27, 2020 9:26 pm
    I’m just a blunt person. Sorry that I hurt your feelings. I don’t recall what I said to you. LatteGratte

    It’s alright you don’t have to apologise..

    von___ September 28, 2020 5:59 am
    I’ve read some spoilers he ends up with elf girl. So don’t try with the “who he “might” end up with”using basic context clues, and the fact that the conversation objectively was nothing romantic, an... LatteGratte

    Ppl were talking about Art though. The fact that in this time, he wasn’t interested in girls, and the fact that he’s openly bantering with him that is on the lines of flirting. If you’ve read the bath scene in the light novel, the first thing he looked at was his dick and he “lied” by saying, there wasn’t much to see anyways. There’s also him flirting in the bed when he said “would u like it if im a girl”. If it was a girl-guy situation and one of them said “would you like it if im (insert clothing/gender/kink preference here)” u won’t say the same shit.

    And no, they didn’t end up YET. There’s a lot of circumstances holding them both, and most of fandom want the girl to get killed bc apparently she became rly annoying currently.

    Rababruby September 28, 2020 8:49 am
    I’m just a blunt person. Sorry that I hurt your feelings. I don’t recall what I said to you. LatteGratte

    It’s alright you don’t have to apologise..