OMG this manga is all over places damn, can someone provide me with all the links with pro...

unity September 26, 2020 5:51 pm

OMG this manga is all over places damn, can someone provide me with all the links with proper sequence?
I still haven't figured when Hikaru and Rihito exchanged their rings and when Rihito went to family register for their marriage but could register.

    someone September 30, 2020 7:22 pm

    1. Doukyuusei
    2. Sotsugyousei
    3. Occupation to Beloved
    4. Doukyuusei & Sotsugyousei
    5. Blanc

    melonmilk October 6, 2020 1:03 am

    search on google (or whatever search engine) mangago doukyuusei series and you'll see a list!