Ughhhhhh.... She firstly, disbalance the power in another world Secondly, she sell 100 yen...

Misa_03 September 26, 2020 1:25 pm

She firstly, disbalance the power in another world
Secondly, she sell 100 yen worth things in significant amount and in luxury price
Thirdly, transfer all gold to her own world, again disbalancing resources and doing crucial damage to the money flow in the parallel world
Fourthly, she is disrupting advancement of other world greatly
5) killed many species and just commit genocide
6) she is ruthless and do not think carefully. For instance, she just dismissed that person who was a researcher under guidance of teacher that make at that time really important openings of how world works, because she just did not liked them as if she did not do anything srong in her life. She might punish that guy, but she is in no obligation to stop people knowing truth and getting knowledge
7) she just lecture kids with no practice and she did not give them necessary education in the first place. Math and literature children can have to be able to understand how world works. Nor she is giving them a study of how to handle documents at least minor importance
8) this issue is again about how she disrupted the development of another world. She could just given the knowledge of how to make paper from trees for example. That way village that maintain forest could earn money, have a job and it will help citizens to get education
9)it is again about genocide she made. She could have just shown and persuaded dragon to stop or else they will suffer. But, what she did?!?!? Yes, she just killed 2 dragons who were hardly born as the older dragon said "at least i now have one lil brother and sister!! Im so glad!!!" He was happy for just 2 existence appearence. She was able to make them unable to move with technologies she can bring from this world. But she did not and killed with the reason, they could not hear me so it is their fault. Ok, maybe he was too distracted to pay attention to one single girls talking in dragon language....
10) she is too greedy and have a little brain lets say. She thinks narrow and just uses knowledge that her brother obtained and shared with her. She did not do researches on her own and only used the knowledge of others.
11) she disrespect people who helped her, she trick them just to satisfy her own self

In conclusion, ive had enough of this manga. It was interesting in beginning but then, it became all messed up with a little logic.

    EatMyNut69 September 27, 2020 10:36 pm

    Chilllll lmaooo

    Misa_03 September 28, 2020 1:05 am
    Chilllll lmaooo EatMyNut69

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭okeeeeeey

    Naruto September 28, 2020 6:47 am

    Somewhat agree. She is stupid as hell. And It makes this so much more unbearable to read. Like the title suggests she is selfish and only cares about making money for herself to retire with. Like a greedy corrupt official

    Misa_03 September 28, 2020 8:21 am
    Somewhat agree. She is stupid as hell. And It makes this so much more unbearable to read. Like the title suggests she is selfish and only cares about making money for herself to retire with. Like a greedy corru... Naruto

    Yeaaah. And it will be at least ok if she wasnt not so greedy and would think about consequences. Like, if you take all that money and transfer to your world what will became with the resources of another world? That world even did not advanced enough to make bills and paper money. It means that after taking that amount pf money all her surroundings would cut their relationships with her as she would be the one responsible. If person is greedy he at least should think reasonably so it wont backup a lot times to yourself. Causing your own destruction. With her mind at the beginning she would be welcomed but then she will have no place for her. And then that big amount of money would not help her, as every person from both world if will notice transactions of big amount would just hunt her down

    Shooky September 30, 2020 1:55 am

    Holy shit this is one of the first longest comments i ever read( ̄∇ ̄")

    Misa_03 September 30, 2020 4:42 am
    Holy shit this is one of the first longest comments i ever read( ̄∇ ̄") Shooky

    . U know, all my comments are lo ng, but i think this one is the longest. I understand you. Me too was uncomfortable after posting it, but soooo relaxed as i poured my anger

    ✨period✨ October 10, 2020 2:19 am


    Naruto October 10, 2020 1:02 pm

    No need to get so aggressive? Not everyone liles idiots.

    Naruto October 10, 2020 1:02 pm


    Misa_03 October 10, 2020 1:20 pm
    Likes**** Naruto

    NekoNeko October 15, 2020 10:15 pm
    Yeaaah. And it will be at least ok if she wasnt not so greedy and would think about consequences. Like, if you take all that money and transfer to your world what will became with the resources of another world... Misa_03

    she’s not taking any money. she’s EARNING them. there’s a big difference between these two. she’s selling them things for money, just like we buy/sell things in the real world for money. it’s common sense. also it’s easy for her to make large transactions without attracting attention with her connections in the real world (wolfgang mercenaries and now almost 50+ other countries). she would just be like a millionaire or a billionaire in the real world and we have plenty of those so nothing out of ordinary. the world doesn’t have paper currency but they have coins and it’s working fine. at ont point humanity in this world also used coins and we did it for centuries

    Misa_03 October 16, 2020 11:05 am
    she’s not taking any money. she’s EARNING them. there’s a big difference between these two. she’s selling them things for money, just like we buy/sell things in the real world for money. it’s common s... NekoNeko

    She is taking gold from the other world. It is not similar to the time when we used resources which we find in our own planet without leaking it to other world. That is the big difference. Another point is that she is by selling goods from this world snd only taking golds she is ruining the chemical and physiological balance netween worlds and intelligence level of another.

    NekoNeko October 16, 2020 1:42 pm

    she is EARNING gold in another country. it’s not like she’s just taking without giving anything back. she’s selling them things and they are happily paying. that’s called flow of goods. she’s bringing in goods that are luxurious in that world and therefore she can sell it at a high price. also she is spending the money back into that world’s economy too. she pays for the building, now she’s a viscountess meaning she has to buy lots for her territory. yes she is bringing in new technology but in moderation. the only time she went wild was when someone she knew was in mortal danger+ the country itself. she is putting the gold back into the market.

    Misa_03 October 16, 2020 8:00 pm
    she’s not taking any money. she’s EARNING them. there’s a big difference between these two. she’s selling them things for money, just like we buy/sell things in the real world for money. it’s common s... NekoNeko

    She is stillcdisbalancing resources of two worlds. Taking gold from other world and reducing its amount is not similar to psst were all resources were still would be on our own planet. It is not similar to transaction between worlds.

    Misa_03 October 16, 2020 8:06 pm
    she is EARNING gold in another country. it’s not like she’s just taking without giving anything back. she’s selling them things and they are happily paying. that’s called flow of goods. she’s bringing... NekoNeko

    Bringing technology and comprehension of how those technologies can work and the way human could himself reach to the ooint when he created is not again similar thing. That will be only remebering but not fully understanding how world works thats first. Secondly, she is returning only tiny amount of gold she took. And that goods you are talking amount are made from things that is greatly destributed while the amount of gold is quite limited or why it is so appriciated? No doubt she is earning them, as you can teleport so you can cheat and everything u do do not make you guilty and that is considered as earning. No doubt for that. But she is still brainless for me

    NekoNeko October 16, 2020 9:00 pm
    Bringing technology and comprehension of how those technologies can work and the way human could himself reach to the ooint when he created is not again similar thing. That will be only remebering but not fully... Misa_03

    she really isn’t bringing tech to the masses though. the only high level thing she did was with the "war" and her own personal room. + a radio for princess and herself. + u said those goods she sell is greatly distributed... yes in the real world. not in the isekai. if anything the goods she is selling could be considered very rare and HIGH quality goods. it’s not greatly distributed nor greatly produced.

    Misa_03 October 18, 2020 3:55 am
    she really isn’t bringing tech to the masses though. the only high level thing she did was with the "war" and her own personal room. + a radio for princess and herself. + u said those goods she sell is greatl... NekoNeko

    Emmmm.... you are going against your own words u know, also i told you that she is bringing technologies or goods and i know that is not greatly destributed, however, they still affect in the way i described at least to people in that country as people buy those things and i talked about recources in form of chemical resources that balance world and support living in one world

    SPOOP(IL)Y STEP ON ME MELISSA October 23, 2020 4:32 pm

    Wait no, the kids still learn the other basics, she’s just not the one teaching them. There are others that are teaching classes on the basic subjects, like math and literature.

    ChelseyBear October 26, 2020 3:39 am

    Truth lol

    ChelseyBear October 26, 2020 3:41 am
    No need to get so aggressive? Not everyone liles idiots. Naruto

    Exactly. Not everyone likes idiots.