Looking for a Manga where the uke( a student) has to live with his older sister's friend...

Renzhe March 14, 2015 7:05 am

Looking for a Manga where the uke( a student) has to live with his older sister's friend , who is a writer, because the sister had to move or transfer job,I think the uke has a sister complex but not sure, the seme and uke later date. But something happens and the seme is kidnapped by an ex lover and I think was raped by him. Later the seme let the uke top him. There was also a scene where the seme learns about the uke past. The uke use to have an older bro who died which caused his mother to have psychological problems and kept thinking the uke was his older bro. This caused a strain in the parents and uke relationship. The parent later decide to move to the country leaving the uke to the sister. the uke and the parents reconcile at the end.
Thanks to anyone who know what this Manga is (≧∀≦)
