Oof, anyone else feel bad for Elize?

Silver_Moon789 September 25, 2020 8:25 am

Oof, anyone else feel bad for Elize?

    youraedthiswrogn September 25, 2020 8:29 am

    It'd be weird not to be, she was raped via coercion and grooming by the Duke and impregnated, then she felt so bad that she cheated that she broke up with her fiance that she was in love with and continued to be emotional manipulated up till now while dealing with the pregnancy.

    cold hearted September 25, 2020 9:28 am
    It'd be weird not to be, she was raped via coercion and grooming by the Duke and impregnated, then she felt so bad that she cheated that she broke up with her fiance that she was in love with and continued to b... youraedthiswrogn

    To be honest I don't feel sorry for her hell I never get how exactly do these type of girl ends up having some sort of soft feelings for their rapist I would kill them honestly. They should kill rapist than imprisoning them but the law is like if you don't kill more than 1 person you dont get the death sentence like wtf. Well anywho I find the maid to be stupid hell I find all girl to be stupid back in the past because they think being a virgin is good and if you are rape then it's your fault that shit is stupid. Let's be real I find that some girl think their first time should be with someone they love but that's stupid, let me put it this way their male or other partner is not a virgin they did it with multiple people yet if it was a women they are slutty I don't get that shit it's fucking stupid. I also get the fear of being rape but girls that hold their virginity over their head and think it's a good thing ,it's not I kid you not these type of girl think it's their fault when they were force. That's the way the past girl think you know the shitty time line where women was just fuck toy to male and the male can do whatever the hell they wants to do to the women. I know that the past is the past but some people think a women should be a virgin all the way until they married like 100% sure the guy ,the women is getting married to is a slutty fuck boy but no ones gonna say that but if thoese nosey people found out the bride isn't a virgin they literally call her a slut like wtf is up with that shit. God I hate they way how some people are Sexist on women but can't be that way to the guys like there is more than 1 word to call a women that lose her virginity but a guy lose his virginity oh cool like fuck u on that. I swear if someone call the bride a slut just because she don't have her virginity I will be that one person that's gonna say , so what you MOTHERFUCKERS is acting like the groom is a virgin

    feekapii September 25, 2020 10:08 am
    To be honest I don't feel sorry for her hell I never get how exactly do these type of girl ends up having some sort of soft feelings for their rapist I would kill them honestly. They should kill rapist than imp... cold hearted


    cold hearted September 25, 2020 10:12 am
    what feekapii


    maeyah September 25, 2020 10:20 am
    To be honest I don't feel sorry for her hell I never get how exactly do these type of girl ends up having some sort of soft feelings for their rapist I would kill them honestly. They should kill rapist than imp... cold hearted


    feekapii September 25, 2020 1:19 pm
    To be honest I don't feel sorry for her hell I never get how exactly do these type of girl ends up having some sort of soft feelings for their rapist I would kill them honestly. They should kill rapist than imp... cold hearted

    girl you literally just blamed.. evèry women that lived in an era that constrained them to that thinking? it wasn't their fault that it was the norms played in that time. it's not that she's stupid for it. she is stressed and feels like her life is in the line after she was coerced into it. she was literally groomed to getting hooked and was still being verbally abused by the dude and it's her fault?

    even thought you dont get what she is going through people in the real world not just this or fictional worlds this also happens to others and that's why it's so important that we support our gals not blame them for the things t have no control over.

    youraedthiswrogn September 25, 2020 1:44 pm
    To be honest I don't feel sorry for her hell I never get how exactly do these type of girl ends up having some sort of soft feelings for their rapist I would kill them honestly. They should kill rapist than imp... cold hearted

    You sound stupid. There's nothing else to say to that reply

    Rinsama_ September 25, 2020 7:02 pm
    To be honest I don't feel sorry for her hell I never get how exactly do these type of girl ends up having some sort of soft feelings for their rapist I would kill them honestly. They should kill rapist than imp... cold hearted

    You have to take into account that most women are not educated. I doubt maids like her could read.

    cold hearted September 25, 2020 7:13 pm
    girl you literally just blamed.. evèry women that lived in an era that constrained them to that thinking? it wasn't their fault that it was the norms played in that time. it's not that she's stupid for it. she... feekapii

    dude did you read my comment correctly i don't feel bad for the maid and i never will because she knew what she was doing is bad but still did it anyways. Yes she was rape but still she said she did it for power read the cp that talks about the maid back story she plain stated she did if for power. one more thing if you had read my comment correctly i trash talk the male in those time period too are you blind you want to feel sorry for her because she was hurt and rape but does it justify the shit she was pulling on other did you know she was planning to pin her baby on the ML she even say the FL ruin her and the duke's plan. i don't remember the cp but it was when the FL was training the ML. when i say past i am talking about the time period where they had king and queens rule known as monarch. Don't go pass the monarch time period because there weren't anything sexist, when you go pass the Monarch time period you would notice society was still developing. If you had read my comment you would have seen i only hated women in the Monarch time period and women that are like those women in the present. we live in the 21 st century and their are women that felt that it's their fault for being rape and that being a virgin is a good thing, these are the women i feel sorry for not for the fucking maid that says "i was raped" then the next fucking minute"she ruined my plan" and the other next minuted "i did because i wanted power" like do you not see that are you blind and no i am not justifying being rape is a good thin it's horrible but you are telling me that you don't see the maid actual personality. Hell i am sure you didn't even read my comment.(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    cold hearted September 25, 2020 7:30 pm
    You have to take into account that most women are not educated. I doubt maids like her could read. Rinsama_

    excuse me what exactly does being rape have to do with education? well let me tell you what i think "you DON'T NEED TO HAVE EDUCATION TO KNOW WHAT RAPE IS BECAUSE EVEN WITHOUT THE GOD FOR SAKE EDUCATION A PERSON KNOW WHAT RAPE MEANS!" because i know at the age of 7 what rape mean. Do you understand me because at the age of 7 nobody know how to spell the "excellent "(am not sure on that word because that word was difficult for me to spell) anyways i watched a lot of law and order svu to know that rape mean i didn't needn't even graduated from elementary school when i was seven year. So do you really need education to know what rape is still?

    Rinsama_ September 25, 2020 7:41 pm
    excuse me what exactly does being rape have to do with education? well let me tell you what i think "you DON'T NEED TO HAVE EDUCATION TO KNOW WHAT RAPE IS BECAUSE EVEN WITHOUT THE GOD FOR SAKE EDUCATION A PERSO... cold hearted

    I'm not gonna go on where you complained about ppl besides Elize, the maid. When I said she wasn't educated, I didn't mean that she didn't know what rape means. She clearly did and defined the duke's action as rape. To make it easier for you to imagine how education plays a big role here, imagine a big business man taking advantage of, let's say, a third-world farmer. Is it true that thr farmer is stupid compared to the business man? Yes. Should we blame the farmer? No.

    Back to our topic. Is elize blameless? No. But given her context, it shouldn't be hard to see why she couldn't come up with a better solution. Unlike FL, not many women AT THAT TIME is like that. Heck, not even many men, I dare say.

    So what am I trying to say? Before you blame someone entirely, do consider other factors.

    cold hearted September 26, 2020 1:10 am
    I'm not gonna go on where you complained about ppl besides Elize, the maid. When I said she wasn't educated, I didn't mean that she didn't know what rape means. She clearly did and defined the duke's action as ... Rinsama_

    I now understand where you are coming from.

    Rinsama_ September 26, 2020 7:49 am
    I now understand where you are coming from. cold hearted

    Thank you :)