same! Like I enjoyed reading this and laughing at them and the friend group’s antics but their relationship was NOT it. It tbh just felt like they were friends, otani was not in love with her at alllll. There were no lingering stares, no embarrassment, no earnest, none of the nervousness and wanting to look your best in front of the one you love. There was no passion! It simply did not feel like love. The only times otani showed his love was if a love rival appeared or if Risa cried and he’d end up saying like two words about how much he supposedly loved her. Hello?? Where is the action?? I tbh just felt like they were both friends who’d gotten strung along by others around them to be in a relationship.

and it just sucks because risa deserves somebody who is excited about her! somebody who remembers her birthday, who does things for her just because they want to, who thinks of her first and longs for her. imo their relationship is not going to last because it’s just built off them sharing the same hobbies and having that friend group. without that it’s crumbling. and people change allll the time and make new friends after hs so it’s not a strong foundation to have. Idk. It’s just so clear from the flashbacks of his ex to see what he looks like when he’s in love with someone and excited about them and this is clearly not it. I just wish he hadn’t selfishly said “don’t stop loving me” and allowed Risa to find an actual romantic relationship.
oh god,,,,,, i read this because people kept saying it was the best shoujo of all time.... and i was severely disappointed. I mean it has nice art and great expressions but all in all this is far from the best. I guess to each their own but i just cant believe people hyped this up so much??? its not even really romantic???? Otani constantly does the bare minimum in their relationship its actually sad. This entire thing was so one sided you could clearly tell Risa was getting stepped all over by him???? I dont blame him for rejecting in the beginning thats fair but afterwards hes just constantly a fucking asshole. There were numerous times where i wanted to choke slam him,,,,,,, this is so far from romantic i wouldnt even say this was even really comedic. nothing about it made me laugh it was decent at best. Risa deserved someone who actually would give her the time of day. not to say risa wasnt annoying because she definitely was,,,,,,,, anyway this manga was a waste of 2hours.