Those teachers need to be fired. You should tell your parents and let them tell the principal of your school. If that doesn't help go to higher authority like the superintendent.

Hmm...how about standing up for yourself before asking your parent's or teacher's help? I mean you guys are 2 right? At least you are not alone. I was betrayed by my best friend in high school. She's was bitch who sucked up to the class monitors & good students. So it was very easy for her to make me an outcast in the class. But i didn't loose hope. I tried very hard and excelled in my studies. After that the teachers started to notice & like me, so did other students. When my so called bf aka bitch saw me liked by others she came to talk me to me again. Sure it was tough surviving by myself and being alone but i was proud that i didn't take anyone's help and got through my high school with my own ability. Later i made some true friends in college & uni. I still keep in touch with them. So i am not denying the idea of asking for help from your parents & teachers. But before that try it by yourself 1st. Because they are not gonna be with you for your whole life. Right?

Well I too agree with what ばか has said, sadly there are no other ways to make this stop.
However, and from personal experience, I have to tell you that your parents have to document the process. I don't know how the system works in your country but in mine the correct thing to do at first is to send a formal complaint letter via a solicitor/ notary.
It shouldn't cost a lot of money, this way the principal will know that your folk are very serious about it, and at the same time you won't have to rely on his kindness to do the right thing. It is very important that the words "SAFETY OF MY CHILD" be clearly stipulated in it.
Second, get the addresses of the main people who lead the bullies and your parents should send the parents of each one of them a warning via a lawyer.
Though my measures seem drastic but they come from experience, for instance if the principal is unscrupulous, he can deny receiving a complaint when faced by the prospect of a legal inquiry, so the complaint should be sent via a notary with a legal stamp etc.
Furthermore, some parents will protect their child even if he is doing wrong, so if the parents of the victim confronted them, they can turn the tables by saying that they trespassed on them, so the confrontation should only happen through a lawyer. In this kind of cases, it is the party who documents the process well and acts through the legal system, who is more likely to have the upper hand from the start till the end ... and the bullying will stop I tell you when the parents of the bullies are intimidated, because they are legally responsible of (and liable for) their actions.

I ended up being a loner because my best friend in primary school betrayed me. I wel Never ever betray or leave her because she knows that pain as well (she is considerd fat but i hate to say it because it sounds cruel). We both didn't really have friends in our one class in firs and secnd year of secondary school, so when we found out that we have been trough the same we dicided to stick together nomahter what. My classmates used to ask me during class "why do you hang out with her" or "you clould be popular if you hang out with us" but i never considerd them friends. We are always there for eachother.

This is not the right approach ( ̄へ ̄)because I believe that bullying escalates progressively if it is not treated appropriately and the bullies become bolder as time passes. Both the school and the bullies' parents have a responsibility in dissuading them from hurting other children. If bullies and their victims are left by themselves it would be like a jungle (either hit or be hit), this is not a solution.

We tried standing up for ourselves but those guys see it as funny and just laugh it of. and i agree teachers and parents are going to leaveat a certain point and we can't always depend on them. It's just that i have a little more self confidens than my friend and she scratches her arms all the time even when i ask het to stop with it but i am already glad that she trusts me enough to tell me whats wrong with her and why because i (and i think you two) know how hard it is to trust someone after you've been betrayed. I really hope you have found your true friends, because finding those is a real treasure on it's own.

Sorry I was replying before to this ...

Standing up for yourselves might bring more trouble actually. Unless you are ready to face the hardship during that so called 'standing up'. Because as it is put this way, it's a pretty word, but actually is really hard to stand your ground, especially if physical violence is involved (though mental abuse is worse). I'd advice you to talk directly to the director of the school. However, be careful if actions are taken. There is always consequences. And if there are no actions, I see you are from Germany. Correct me if wrong, but you two can really sue these bullies. Kids are easy to scare when young, unless they are reckless idiots.But if you go for 'scaring them a bit', do not make it by yourselves and in the bullies' face. You can actually tell the principal that you might sue them. Not to mention when you say no teacher takes action. I am very sure the director will sh*t their pants, knowing their reputation might go down the hill. Also, make sure at least one adult is aware of it. (Not needed to be a parent). -shrugs- I will cross fingers for you. In case you need to talk to someone (you or your friend), my inbox is for free.
Criminal profiler wannabe,

Well I have to say reading all your comments I kinda feel lucky with my school time. I never was a popular kid but people respected me and we had a great class chemistry and would stand up for each other even if we weren't the best friends.
I have to say teenage years are just horrible something goes wrong in those developing brains at that freaking time!!
I have a friend who was bullied, well i just met her in university, but in school she really had it bad!! People even set up a fake date to humaliate her and the guy spit on her saying that he would never date a fat pig. So I can say that it has nothing to do with you children and teenagers are just cruel and bullying and casting people out is soem kind of ritual to have a bigger cohesiveness within the group!!!
so don't take those fuckers serious it could have been anybody just coincidence I know it sounds horrible but at least it's not your character!!

Oh....i am actually more worried about your friend than you. It seems like she's leaning towards self mutilation. Does your school have a counselor or something like that? If it does then you 2 immediately need to consult with them. That's the 1st step.
So you 2 have already told them(the bullies) straight out, not to bully you guys and to stop it but they are still carrying on? Am i correct? If so, then there's a lot of work ahead of you. Rather than reporting it later & dwelling on it, you 2 should immediately report to your teachers as soon as they start bullying you. Even better if you guys have some kind of evidence of bullying. Will make things a lot easier. that's the 2nd step.
But remember, this is just a one time solution. You can't report them every time you get bullied. Eventually you'll get fed with up with it. Try talking, try speaking up. If something bothers you don't be scared to voice your opinion. Talk to someone in your family that you feel the most closest to, for example a sibling. Then try talking to others in your family. Discuss with them as to what you should do. The more you talk the more you'll feel better and the more options you'll get. No one on this world is a mind reader. So, no one will get your message until you tell them loud & clear. That's the last step.
PS. if your school doesn't have a counselor then your bf must taken to a professional counselor or better, a psychiatrist. Trust me, i am telling this because i am working med field. The sooner you take her the better. And sorry if this offends you or your friend but it was my duty to tell you. The rest is up to you.
Hello everyone, i need your advise on something that happend at my school today. me and my best friend are a little bit of the outcast at out school. thus we are always ignored or bullied. today they threw tennisballs at our heads trying to hit us. two of my best friends classmates came to sit with us on the bench (it's the first time someone does this) to help and make it stop. but my best friend snapped and started crying just before the bell went off. the three of us (me and my bf's classmates) stayed with her for a little longer until she stood up and walked to the row she stands in.(we stand in rows till the teacher comes and takes us to our class). i am in a different class so i can't walk with her and today i had an our longer class than she did so i didn't get to talk to her anymore. Can anyone give me advise on how i should handel it, we tried telling the teachers but they saw and don't do anything.