
absolutely, that would have worked so well and showed actual remorse but dedication to the job. The way it was done, the knight appears as a cowardly murder determined to take the dragon out. It makes feeling for her kinda hard because she is actually discouraged the dragon doesn't just die. If she had approached the dragon looking sad as she finshed the dead after a vlaient effort it would have spoken more about her character.
She should have gone the karmic route and turned that mother fucker into a red snail! It's what he deserves! You knwo how many people would have been spared? I mean come on HOW THE FUCK am I suppose to empthize with a fucking semi-heartless murderer!? And not a murderer with feesable reasoning who kills like the usual ice cold bastard archetypes, he does it just for the lols. The only good thing about this story is the ML and she's kinda dumb too. But at least she's sweet and she's surrounded by good peeps. The knight on the other hand can eat all of my ass! I hated her. That coward attacked a dragon while it's back was turned when it was just minding it's own flippin business. Then she has the nerve to go to it's grave and cry? BITCH YOU KILLED IT! No amount of boo hoo I'm a knight woe is me, is going to change what you did. So ironically you got stabbed literally in back too. I feel bad for the dad though . . .oof just a bad day for everyone. This story's plot is so uninspired, but it has so much potencial. It's like crack . . . I really feel my body being destroyed the more I read it. The characters are forgetable and only seem to run on pure bullshit energy. I only pray that the end comes swiftly like the cold hands of a reaper.