To be honest, were I an uploader, I wouldn't give out any means of contact, and if I got c...

Salted Caramel September 22, 2020 8:09 pm

To be honest, were I an uploader, I wouldn't give out any means of contact, and if I got contact, I wouldn't read it. This period of time in history has given so many people the self confidence to show their shittiest nature anonymously and feel completely justified in doing it. Getting upset about it just feeds the narcissism.

It's kind of like I'd bet that every single person here has read a shitty comment on a manga they liked. If you didn't like it, why'd you even comment? Personally I've never been like, I'm going to go check the comments to see if other people disliked it this as much as I did. I'm more like, "Well, that was shitty. Never reading that again. Definately don't want to talk to people about it." But there are people who do, because they think that people give a shit about their opinion, and they enjoy trash talking the people who did enjoy it like they're some kind of manga authority.

Not that I'm at all saying you don't have a right to be upset, as you absolutely do deserve to be disgusted with disgusting humans, but I wouldn't be surprised if letting them know it upset you didn't just make it worse. Once turds get a reaction they usually try to keep upping their game because it's somewhat impossible to stop stupidity on the internet.

    Shadowmet September 23, 2020 7:31 am

    Hello first off I wanna say you are absolutely correct. Darc had been getting them for but hadn't opened or read any of them. Only reason I did was because I read something so vile and disturbing that I honestly should have gone to the police. The private message was so out of line that not calling it our felt more wrong then mentioning it. I'm sure more threats have popped up since bringing this to light but I don't want to put Darc in a position where they have to stop buying the chapters and having me upload because it would be a waste of money and all of Darcs time. I admire the shit out of this comment though so thank you!

    Liananima September 23, 2020 9:45 am
    Hello first off I wanna say you are absolutely correct. Darc had been getting them for but hadn't opened or read any of them. Only reason I did was because I read something so vile and disturbing that I honestl... Shadowmet

    I hope he is ok...
    It was actually something that ive been seeing a lot..
    A lot of upoaders of some yaoi manga have been saying they will drop some manga because of toxic comments..
    Anyway thank you both for uploading these weird ass titles manga.. it helps me get by in my life.

    Salted Caramel September 23, 2020 9:46 am

    Try to also remember that there's a far greater army of anonymous adorers of what you do than crazies who try to bring you down. <3 Sadly we can't offer anything more than our verbal support, but hopefully it balances the scales a bit!