LEMME VENT TO U BC I JUST BINGED THIS SHIT AT 4 AM RN! ok so shinwoo literally keeps fucking cheating on sebin with taesoo and has the nerve to play with both dudes with NO remorse whatsoever. there’s this part in the later chapters that gets me so mad bc taesoo loves shinwoo since hs so now he asks shinwoo out but shinwoo rejects him saying he has sebin BUT THEN CONTINUES TO FUCK TAESOO/give him false hope. don’t even get me started when shinwoo LITERALLY let’s sebin watch taesoo give him a blowjob and that was the last straw for sebin so he leaves and starts distancing himself from shinwoo ONLY for shinwoo??? to be mad???? LIKE ????? U CHEATED ON HIM!!!! WHY R U MAD HE LEFT U AND “MOVED ON” and girl... the ending... shinwoo gets sebin.... he gets the faithful loving boyfriend....
just spoil me i’m on chapter 19 and it’s already pissing me off i wanna know what happens with sebin or whatever the name is ion like that whore dude