If you’re in the comments just to say “I’m not going to support this comic anymore!! Because the artist is a shotacon!!”
Then first of all, nobody cares if you drop it dude, just drop it nobody knows you, so you don’t have to tell the world if you’re dropping a comic XD??
Second of all, you weren’t supporting it in the first place because you’re on mangago reading it for free ya dumbass
Thirdly, yes fiction affects reality but not on a 1:1 basis. Just because you draw/write something in fiction doesn’t mean you want to do it in real life, like violence in video games or how some people think anime dudes who smoke are hot but hate people who smoke irl
The monkey see monkey do concept is fake because you are living proof that it’s fake, you know about shotas and lolis but you don’t think fucking kids is normal right? Based on science the thought process of “If I see or read or make a lot of it equals it’s correct/normalised” is something you only have as a toddler. If you had been raised correctly with morals then you won’t have this problem
I'm pretty chill lol idk what you're talking about but sure Antiaagingcream
I don’t even need to explain. If you don’t even why wat the fUCK is happening. Stfu in the first damn place smh. Dumb ass pullin words out of his ass just for the anarchy
I'm pretty chill lol idk what you're talking about but sure Antiaagingcream
Oops, that was a bit aggressive lmao my bad. But uhm. Don’t get on the op’s case for typing out “a essays” it ain’t needed. (P.s. it’s not really an essay it’s more like a nicer looking paragraph)
Oops, that was a bit aggressive lmao my bad. But uhm. Don’t get on the op’s case for typing out “a essays” it ain’t needed. (P.s. it’s not really an essay it’s more like a nicer looking paragraph) Meow
Ikr? This person who talks about essay gives me headache cuz he cant stfu
If you’re in the comments just to say “I’m not going to support this comic anymore!! Because the artist is a shotacon!!”
Then first of all, nobody cares if you drop it dude, just drop it nobody knows you, so you don’t have to tell the world if you’re dropping a comic XD??
Second of all, you weren’t supporting it in the first place because you’re on mangago reading it for free ya dumbass
Thirdly, yes fiction affects reality but not on a 1:1 basis. Just because you draw/write something in fiction doesn’t mean you want to do it in real life, like violence in video games or how some people think anime dudes who smoke are hot but hate people who smoke irl
The monkey see monkey do concept is fake because you are living proof that it’s fake, you know about shotas and lolis but you don’t think fucking kids is normal right? Based on science the thought process of “If I see or read or make a lot of it equals it’s correct/normalised” is something you only have as a toddler. If you had been raised correctly with morals then you won’t have this problem