I've been thoroughly bothered by something ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Why do people compare Akihi...

Lightasus March 6, 2015 4:34 am

I've been thoroughly bothered by something ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Why do people compare Akihito to a kitten? Just why? How the heck does that sound to native English speakers?
It's probably the number one reason I totally can't get into half of the fanfictions, it sounds so cheesy to me :')

    misekatte March 6, 2015 4:35 am

    Ithink one of the characters called him a kitten, once, perhaps it was Sakazaki, but I seem to recall reading it (it could just be a bleed over from my reading fanfics) but he is a little cat like anyway, as cats are not slavish like dogs, they are pretty independent and will claw and hiss if trapped where they don't want to be - this could be what draws the comparison??? (my speculation)

    misekatte March 6, 2015 4:36 am

    Not that his name makes him kittenish. (forgot to add that)

    Miyanoai March 6, 2015 7:54 pm

    It's weird how often you see Asami call him that in fanfics, yet he's never once said it in the manga. I'm quite sure it has to do with his personality though. He can be very independent and feisty like a wildcat, but once you gain his trust, he does a 180 and is very sweet and (to Asami) submissive/cuddly.
    It's definitely cheesy though. But not as bad as when they have Asami call him "baby". Then I just just can't.

    Wazz Zzifah March 7, 2015 2:26 pm

    I think it is because Aki is not passive which makes him resemble a cat. You know the kind of cat- touch me and you'll kiss my claws. Maybe Asami sees this in Akihito and he loves this.

    Lightasus March 7, 2015 3:41 pm

    I mean, I get it's supposed to be because he acts cat-like or something.
    It's sort of annoying when 1) Asami never said that 2) Why even refer to him like that even in the narration 3) He says it in the fic all the time

    Yeah, "baby" is pretty cheesy too xD. Then it becomes a major OOC. I guess people like them anyway if they continue to use those...

    I don't really notice who writes which fanfic, or even remember which fic did, so I'm not pointing at anyone, I just felt like ranting about it ^^"