
N0npsychotic September 22, 2020 1:04 am

How are you guys just finding out about the author? Like yes, he draws sexual images that have minors, but its fiction. He doesn't get off by his work yall, if you know how to separate fiction from reality then your ok. Hes doing his patron for MONEY not because he wants to.

    Fuggy September 22, 2020 5:07 am

    I think it’s fair to assume he gets off to his work. Not sure why you would make your career off of drawing little boys in a sexual manner if you didn’t enjoy it. Let’s not be delusional here

    gumi September 22, 2020 5:25 am
    I think it’s fair to assume he gets off to his work. Not sure why you would make your career off of drawing little boys in a sexual manner if you didn’t enjoy it. Let’s not be delusional here Fuggy


    N0npsychotic September 23, 2020 1:59 am
    I think it’s fair to assume he gets off to his work. Not sure why you would make your career off of drawing little boys in a sexual manner if you didn’t enjoy it. Let’s not be delusional here Fuggy

    I'm sure if you checked his twitter that hes stated it SO MANY TIMES that he doesn't get off by his work. I no way, shape or form support pedophilia. And hes even letting us pirate his manga because he knows hes at fault, even stating " if you dont like me for who I was in the past, I support you pirating my comics. It's up to you whether to support me or not" and he just left it at that.

    Roach mommy September 23, 2020 4:38 am

    He most definitely has even if he says he hasn’t and if that really were the case he is creating art for p*dophiles it doesn’t matter if Hooni is 18 he draws him like an actual 14 year old. Not to mention the various images of Sana A 15 YEAR OLD having intercourse with older men. It’s some weird fetish and it’s more about not normalizing it if you ignore it people will continue to see it and feed into their nasty lil boy kinks and that’s how kids end up getting hurt. If he says he doesn’t get off to his work he could be lying are you really willing to just trust some random guy on the internet just cus you like his comics that much? It’s unhealthy to sexualize children and I personally really like the story and I can usually differ art from the artist but in situations like this I think you should be able to understand why people would be upset over it. You can’t tell other people how to feel or just to “ignore it” I don’t want to invalidate anyone’s emotions and if I made it seem like I’m directly targeting you I’m so sorry! But I just wanted to put my insight and I’m open to any criticism or having a conversation about this because this is surely a topic that needs to be discussed as suicide boy gets more popular (⊙…⊙ )

    N0npsychotic September 23, 2020 2:24 pm
    He most definitely has even if he says he hasn’t and if that really were the case he is creating art for p*dophiles it doesn’t matter if Hooni is 18 he draws him like an actual 14 year old. Not to mention t... Roach mommy

    I agree with you, and hopefully he isnt attracted to actual children. In all, I'm pretty sure he stopped? I'm scrolling through his Twitter and I haven't seen them being sexualized? I'm sure he's noticed how suicide boy is getting popular especially on tiktok. He also has a girlfriend so that backs it up. I personally believe that drawing porn of underage characters isn't ok, but if you dont get off to it, or dont draw is constantly I'm pretty sure you're ok? People that have trauma find it a way to cope? Fiction is fiction, it depends on the type of person though. If you give a 12 year old loli porn, they'll grow up a pedophile. But if someone is mature enough
    (which you barely even see) and understand that liking actual children is disgusting, then you do you. Sense he doesn't feel any romantic relationship with minors. He also talks about his style, and that hooni symbolizes him from his teen years, he may look 14 but hoon is 18. The author just draws what fits his style, if hooni was an ugly old man no one would be reading it. I've also heard from eddchan that parkgee draws minors as a way to cope from being in some pedophile trauma? Like he was a minor before some pedo gave him trauma? That's what I heard but park never confirmed it. I've been following him way back before suicide boy was a thing. If he was an actual pedophile I wouldn't support him anymore. Like he's said multiple times, you don't have to support him if his past makes you uncomfortable. Also sorry if I spelt anything wrong I'm on a zoom call lol

    Fuggy September 24, 2020 6:50 am
    I agree with you, and hopefully he isnt attracted to actual children. In all, I'm pretty sure he stopped? I'm scrolling through his Twitter and I haven't seen them being sexualized? I'm sure he's noticed how su... N0npsychotic

    He has a patreon where he draws child porn for money. Come on now. Let’s not be outrageous

    Fuggy September 24, 2020 6:51 am
    I agree with you, and hopefully he isnt attracted to actual children. In all, I'm pretty sure he stopped? I'm scrolling through his Twitter and I haven't seen them being sexualized? I'm sure he's noticed how su... N0npsychotic

    Also who the fuck at all uses child porn to cope with trauma. Lovely excuse to get off to child porn. How about you get therapy instead

    N0npsychotic September 24, 2020 3:06 pm
    Also who the fuck at all uses child porn to cope with trauma. Lovely excuse to get off to child porn. How about you get therapy instead Fuggy

    I'm not the one who said he had trauma? Didnt you hear me? And it's not up to you to decide whether he has that trauma or not. Many people go through it and I recommend searching more through the matter, but he stayed silent so I'm not sure it's TRUE. Drawing child porn with REAL people in it is a problem. But the characters are fictional. But that's all what I stand by and child porn with fictional characters also normalizes p*dophilia. As long as you dont get off to it, or get sexually attracted to it, I dont care. And babe, therapy is EXPENSIVE especially in korea.