So that nobuhoki or whatever his name was seme is like a p*do through and through right? U...

Yep September 22, 2020 12:54 am

So that nobuhoki or whatever his name was seme is like a p*do through and through right? Usually I don’t like saying that about fictional characters but in this case he is so just.....he grooms him since childhood and wants to corrupt his innocence and poison his mind and wants to watch him crumble and break...? He is definitely a p*do. Btw p*dos aren’t always JUST attracted to children. He liked him mum and saw his mother in him but at least he was nice to his mum. He’s so mean and horrible to him. P*do. Yeah man I fucking hate him. Hope he pays somehow. Both the seme ain’t shit. I was rooting for you blondie. We were all rooting for you. How dare you.
