Thank you!!

aliendroid September 21, 2020 5:40 pm

I must say, I'm SO glad that one of these reincarnation mangas FINALLY addressed the fact that even if their "soul" is an adult their "mind and body" is that of a CHILD! A child's brain isn't like an adults brain. Thank you, thank you, thank you for finally addressing this!

    Blessed Paws September 22, 2020 5:53 am

    SO TRUEE!! Like people are so mad when the characters do not act like the actual "mental/soul age" when they are in the body of a child and I'll be like why you guys so mad, they are children in everyone perspective anyway ( ̄へ ̄)

    Rebma432 September 22, 2020 7:47 pm

    Preach!! Thank you

    aliendroid September 29, 2020 5:05 am
    SO TRUEE!! Like people are so mad when the characters do not act like the actual "mental/soul age" when they are in the body of a child and I'll be like why you guys so mad, they are children in everyone perspe... Blessed Paws

    So I DO get angry when they act immature or childish IF the story focuses so much on the whole "adult in a child's body" aspect. BUT, if they just go adult died, reincarnated, and now they're a kid again and go with it I don't care. I've seen it done well even where the MC is like "I shouldn't let this get to me, as I'm an adult," and then fail to do just that and their physical age shows, and it's wonderful. Like, the understand it's wrong but still act out (as a child does). Most the time though it's done horribly with the reincarnated character claiming to be an "adult" and "mature" and yet they act WORSE than the "legit children"... it's frustrating. So yeah, I'm glad this manga actually addresses it and gives a reason for why he loses control over his emotions at times.

    Royal_Luna September 29, 2020 1:29 pm
    SO TRUEE!! Like people are so mad when the characters do not act like the actual "mental/soul age" when they are in the body of a child and I'll be like why you guys so mad, they are children in everyone perspe... Blessed Paws

    exactly thank you like ugh. people really reaching so far to make this into something its not JUST to make wild claims shows they have no idea what they are talking about.