Looking for a yaoi

Faery September 21, 2020 4:05 pm

Anyone help pls, im looking for a yaoi about 2 guys who went to school together i think, and the uke saw the seme making out with a girl one day and he started to avoid the seme after that because he realised he had feelings for him, ofc the seme doesn't know anything. So then one day during the present the uke has been avoiding the seme for years now and hasn't spoken to him, but he goes to the semes house to apologise for something he did (think it was telling his mum to go set the seme with someone and stop annoying him about marriage) so he goes to apologise and the seme invites him inside the house and asks him to join him for a drink, the uke gets drunk and is like are u gonna assault me and then they have sex. I
I think it only has one chapter, the seme has black hair.
Thanksss!!! Pls help
