Hey guys, I have a kinda personal question here. I've never dated anyone before in my life...

Anonymous March 3, 2015 6:44 pm

Hey guys, I have a kinda personal question here. I've never dated anyone before in my life because I'm just not attracted to anyone(male or female). One of my friends tells me that means I'm bi, but I don't know. It's kind of difficult because all of my friends keep telling me to find a boyfriend. Is anyone else like this?

    Girl848 March 4, 2015 3:39 am
    I'm 16. I know I'm still young, but it's highschoolers yaknow? Everybody wants you to be dating someone @Anonymous

    You know what, when I was little I made my own personal rules for dating; AKA older, taller, and not till after I turn 16 years old. I still never got interested till recently I went out on a few dates. I mean I had crushes but nothing so serious. My roommate is waaaaay older than me and is still single. You need to wait till you are ready and not a moment sooner cause there are lots of ways you could make mistakes and regret ever dating a person. Also don't date to pass time, dating is a way to find a marriage partner for life. Be proud that you are still single and don't look at just looks but personality and if they are a good person for you. I did and then got introduced to a great person who is very kind, considerate, and very much a gentlemen. I can tell he was raised with good values very similar to my own and would be a great father and husband. Don't worry bout what your friends say, I mean, I'm 21 and I have never been kissed before. There is a time and place for everything and you have your whole future in front of you. Enjoy the present, and enjoy your childhood while it still lasts, reality can wait till college. Thats my advice to you.

    Blue March 4, 2015 3:59 am

    You don't need a label. You are you. I've come to dislike even the whole gay/straight/bi labels simply because people don't know who they will love their entire lives. Things change as do you as you live your life. I'm "straight" because my only attraction in my life has been to men but that doesn't mean at 80 I'll see some other old biddy in a nursing home with me and think she's pretty and fall in love. Just enjoy your life one day at a time and tell your friends you are not labeling yourself.