Shiro made everyone look away like nothing was happening, so I doubt that our MC was outed in that way. They probably don’t remember what’s happening.
On the other hand, the friend tried to talk to Makoto waaaayy to soon. And also was being waaaay too pushy to get Makoto to talk to him (again! With the pressuring!) even though Makoto obviously was unwilling to speak with him. This guy doesn’t respect boundaries, and even though I understand that he’s human, I understand even more Makoto just ditching him. People who don’t respect other’s boundaries should be DROPPED, especially if they don’t learn it the first time (I mean, Jesus dude, you already pushed Makoto’s boundaries by outing him, and then now pressuring him tot all to you. That’s unbelievable selfish)
Ok, I can't feel any anger for the friend. I think his actions were reasonable, Not right just reasonable
When he tricked him he was probably upset, bitter and lowkey confused when all this happened. They were also alone when he ask/tricked him, when they were on the classroom Shiro keep calling him a bad guy in front of everyone when he just want to talk (he should have give more space/time before asking tho, it just makes him looks forcing) that make his still bitter self want to confirm. And Makoto was already outed the moment Shiro called him his in front of everyone too...
I'm probably just overthinking things and this is just my opinions--