Kinda glad

joashi September 20, 2020 3:39 pm

This is a first. A friend coming to ask the damn right questions. Although our Uke needs help himself because that cycle he keeps is like an abuse cycle, having the Seme defended is refreshing. I hope Haru helps the uke though. There has to be an end in sight

    Swoke! September 20, 2020 5:59 pm

    Defended from what tho... like nthn’s rly gg on

        September 20, 2020 7:35 pm

    that friend is asking the right question but not in the right way unfortunately. he's being threatening, and being very rude to the uke but acting kind while the seme is there. He says that he forced haru to do the "sex" stuff when it was mutual for both of them and haru was even gung ho about it. Why should the uke take the blame when they are partners?

    joashi September 21, 2020 6:29 am

    Hm hm good points. But Haru is ditzy. You could feign a hurt wrist and he seems to be the type to bandage you till the elbow. Also performing in that industry is probably not the troupes idea of acting. Yes the friend is threatening I agree a different approach may have taken place. Haru did cosign on a debt of sorts that was predetermined as risky so the friend being pent up with anger could be derived from Haru being happy go lucky and impulsive. That's explaining the friend.

    Haru should also get bashed because he just accepts it all. Also he isn't questioning a thing yet there's this highly suspicious Uke acting according to time. The Uke doesnt seem to have a person to stand for him but I feel Haru would in the end on your basis (Mutual agreement).

    Bref: I didnt blame the Uke entirely. I just never read a manga with the friend standing up for his own idiot.

    joashi September 21, 2020 6:30 am
    Defended from what tho... like nthn’s rly gg on Swoke!

    Yet! Lol just the fact that his acting for such racy content. Him going MIA and landing up with someone doing that was enough to defend his friend. Haru seems impulsive so most likely the friends reason on coming down hard

    Swoke! September 21, 2020 12:05 pm
    Yet! Lol just the fact that his acting for such racy content. Him going MIA and landing up with someone doing that was enough to defend his friend. Haru seems impulsive so most likely the friends reason on comi... joashi

    But like even if they do have sex I don’t see it as anything bad or controversial I mean seme is pretty dumb, but I’m sure he’s not so dumb that he wouldn’t understand what he was doing... besides his identity is kept better hidden than the uke’s and they mostly just film the uke anyways. I’m p sure the friend was mad bc he thought they were having actual sex

    joashi September 21, 2020 2:39 pm
    But like even if they do have sex I don’t see it as anything bad or controversial I mean seme is pretty dumb, but I’m sure he’s not so dumb that he wouldn’t understand what he was doing... besides his i... Swoke!

    Hmmm point haha! Ahhh

        September 21, 2020 5:39 pm
    Hm hm good points. But Haru is ditzy. You could feign a hurt wrist and he seems to be the type to bandage you till the elbow. Also performing in that industry is probably not the troupes idea of acting. Yes the... joashi

    oooh i see i see
    i guess you could say he standed up for an idiot friend, to me he felt like a very aggressive 2 faced toxic friend tho :/

    but yeah! I i think you made good points too