Oh crap..

HeyHeyPeople! September 20, 2020 2:49 am

I literally started reading this because it was in the Top Five Shoujo Manga, but what I get is this-? Give me back my time, if there is no shoujo please. I don't see any male leads at all unless you're talking about the brat or one of the brothers, and if it is, I'm dropping this so fast-

    Cloverfr September 20, 2020 5:06 pm

    Shoujo means that is meant for a female demographic, is not a synonym of romance.

    Moth September 20, 2020 8:46 pm

    Lol.. You just exposed your ignorance about the word shoujo means. Again, if you want a romance, you need to find it under romance tag, not shoujo tag.

    HeyHeyPeople! September 20, 2020 9:22 pm

    I'm sorry, but like everytime I leave a comment someone always have to reply with something negative, so I'm going to reply in a negative way too. Here is what I looked up on the genre shoujo, "a genre of Japanese comics and animated films aimed primarily at a young female audience, typically characterized by a focus on personal and ROMANTIC relationships." So, before you guys start getting all hyped up, please get your facts straight, Yes, maybe I should've read the other tags too, and Yes my paragraph did sound rude, but can you really blame me if this is in the Top 5 Shoujo mangas, and the other four are based romance too?

    Silver_Moon789 September 20, 2020 11:26 pm

    I mean, this happens like, a lot. We see the MC as a kid and then only when she's like 16 does the actual romance happen. Literally you'd have to wait a lot more chapters and a time skip for any romance to happen.

    Jynx-chan September 21, 2020 12:23 am

    I want to start by saying I'm not saying this to be rude, just pointing out something. Yes, most shoujo manga do have romance but shounen manga also has romance so you shouldn't think that because its Shoujo it has to be romance when any story can have romance, which is why there is a romance tag. That being said, stories like these don't always show you a love intrest right away. Especially because the twins are only 6 years old. We shouldn't be worrying about who they are going to be with for the time being because the main focus of this story is family. Give it a lot more chapters and a timeskip and we'll probably start seeing a ship forming at some point.

    Cloverfr September 21, 2020 1:08 am
    I'm sorry, but like everytime I leave a comment someone always have to reply with something negative, so I'm going to reply in a negative way too. Here is what I looked up on the genre shoujo, "a genre of Japan... HeyHeyPeople!

    The key word is "typically", is not always the case there are many good shoujos with no romance, many shonen as well have romance on it (most of the time crappy) but are not shoujo, so I recommend to search under the tag of romance next time.

    Plus, if you really want to give a try, there is a high possibility there will a time jump and romance may develop there, I recommend asking for those who read the novel or have access to raws.

    HeyHeyPeople! September 21, 2020 3:14 am

    Omg, I've met some great guys. Every time I wanted to comment about something, someone always got to say something so horrible about it. Thanks for explaining the manga better, I'm just being impatient and judging a book by it's cover, I'm sorry.

    Wampoyu September 23, 2020 2:16 pm

    Oh crap—
    I'm a woman and I enjoy this manga... must not be a cup of tea for you, oops. There are plenty of men for you to enjoy, but I particularly care about the story over appearances.
    As others have said:
    Shōjo, shojo, or shoujo manga (少女漫画) is manga aimed at a young teen female target-demographic readership. The name romanizes the Japanese 少女 (shōjo), literally "young woman" in English.

    Perhaps you would have gotten more time back by not writing the reply, but you do you. I don't think people would mind negative feedback on the manwha if it were constructive or had another reason. As you said, you came in with expectations for a story you did not even read and expected it to play exactly how you thought. As a result... this happened.

    Next time, please tick the romance tag since it has its own tag as well.