Manga/manhwa recommendations

Lana September 19, 2020 9:50 pm

Hey there, I really like dramatic psychological manga with a romance that is kind of love-hate relationship, but lately I can't find anything that interests me... I really like stories like Back to School, Dear Door, Fate Makes no Mistakes, Lady and Her Butler... tense storyline, a lot of character development and special relationships. It can be packed with action or laid back, doesn't really matter as long as it's a dramatic story. If you have anything to recommend I would be more than thankful.
P.s. the story doesn't have to be a BL, I don't mind any kind of relationships so recommend whatever you think works for the description

    Ore-Sama September 19, 2020 9:54 pm

    Reimei no arcana
    Devil's line

    Anonymous September 19, 2020 10:18 pm

    Baraou no souretsu

    Lana September 20, 2020 11:35 pm
    Reimei no arcana Devil's line Ore-Sama

    I've read devil's line before but kinda fell out of it, idk, something about the main characters didn't really click
    But I'll check out reimei no arcana, looks like fun, thanks

    Lana September 20, 2020 11:36 pm
    Baraou no souretsu @Anonymous

    Definitely checking this one out, the artstyle looks really sharp, thanks

    Lana September 20, 2020 11:37 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! sabrina :)

    That was a good read, but the ending was so unsatisfying for me... hbu?