To be fair I think Se-hyuns is really mature for her age, they are still in school ofc she have a loose mouth.... Ofc she's wrong but she didn't know any better, it's just the student teacher taking advantage of her, if I'm in his position I would do this, and use your comment as a defense if someone calls me out lol
Also ik this is just a comic but you should not pressure one to be 'mature', just let them learn from experience...

Yeah you're right absolutely
That's what it is, she should definitely learn from her friend so that she is not taken advantage of by some snakes like that AGAIN...but also they are 18+ maybe right....then again it would be a pressure on her...everyone has there own age of maturing
Lol I guess I'm just overthinking rn...
Idk why is everyone JUST blaming the student teacher...
I mean the student teacher is indeed a snake but what about Se-hyun's friend Ra-ni...she really gotta use her brain and control her mouth...how can someone just go and talk about things like it isn't anything serious...just too immature, she must learn from her friend