Reading on lezhin but I came to see if everyone else was as mad as I am. This some bs and ...

Devvy.v September 19, 2020 10:17 am

Reading on lezhin but I came to see if everyone else was as mad as I am. This some bs and our sweet little baby owes that dumb ass nothing. Not sorry. I had a guy do something like this to me, and I never talked to him again. So F off with your BS. Just cause they do it with you once doesn’t mean they’ll do it with you every time you want.

    ag.jjtj September 19, 2020 10:50 am

    Oh I’m so sorry that happened to u. I have friends who also were in this situation, so kinda pisses me off when people are like “they should just talk”, like no, talking to your rapist ain’t that easy

    Devvy.v September 19, 2020 1:25 pm
    Oh I’m so sorry that happened to u. I have friends who also were in this situation, so kinda pisses me off when people are like “they should just talk”, like no, talking to your rapist ain’t that easy ag.jjtj

    ****sorry for the long post****

    Exactly. I think that it feels like a grey area... like yeah, we had sex one time, consensually, but does that mean you have to continue putting out? With my case, it was only one time. Like, we did the sex and then he wanted more but I was tired (lack of sleep). He decided to continue, I “didn’t say no loud enough” or “try to get away.” I straight up blacked out and when I came to he was still doing it, I was in pain, and crying. That’s when he stopped. When I cried. Not when I said no, not when I hit his hand, not when I tried to get away.

    I’m 26. This was only months ago. This had NEVER happened to me before. I’m abrasive, I’m loud, and I’m very much “yes” or “no.” I have never felt so confused, terrified, or broken in my entire life. I was embarrassed. I couldn’t tell my best friend, I couldn’t tell my family, and all I could do was cry whenever I thought about it or was alone. I finally had to tell someone, because I couldn’t go on with it anymore, and I felt like I was going crazy. I confided in my best friend and cried the whole time (she’s never heard me cry like that, and I rarely do.)

    What really upset me was the man thought he did nothing wrong. He said it was my fault. I should have been more VOCAL or physical. He still wanted to date me. And I finally called him (because I was afraid to be around him) and told him I wasn’t interested in him. A week later he messaged me on Facebook and then texted me. Both times saying I need to explain myself, I needed to stop ignoring him, that I was being a bad person for not talking to him.

    That is why I cannot with this comic. And the sweet bean isn’t an abrasive person... he was taken advantage of without realizing it and without realizing he deserves better and there is better. Your friends deserve better too. Everyone deserves better.

    ag.jjtj September 19, 2020 2:59 pm
    ****sorry for the long post****Exactly. I think that it feels like a grey area... like yeah, we had sex one time, consensually, but does that mean you have to continue putting out? With my case, it was only one... Devvy.v

    God that’s so true. Rape is actually so common, I know at least 3/4 rape victims (2 guys in that) and it’s truly absurd how many people get away with it. They think they didn’t do anything wrong and blame a victim. Whenever it was with not being vocal and stuff like in your case or for example for wearing “revealing clothes” or “teasing”. I read a lot of webtoons that had rape very sexualized and same with sexual harassment, and it disgusts me how people fetishize it and glorify it. Like characters who are straight up abusers like in Bj Alex, Painter of the Night that basically 70% of it is rape but people still are like SO JEALOUS, DADDY. I know it’s just fiction but I still can’t understand it and it’s gross how people (not all) don’t see anything wrong with it. I wasn’t raped but I had a lot of situation on my own when I felt really uncomfortable with guy touching me but (once I was drunk) couldn’t say no. I had a situation when my 4 years older brother had a party. And he did like scold one of his friends for hitting on me. I was 15 I think then and this dude came to me and like started talking to me and asked for a pic with me, he grabbed my neck and I felt so uncomfortable I wanted just to go back to my room, I didn’t want to cause a scene since it was a party full of my brothers friends but it honestly still saddens me how he didn’t notice and instead took a photo of us. Rapists often manipulate and guilt trip victims and it’s so disgusting and people need to get that this is serious and just cause guy is hot doesn’t give him a right to get away with it.

    ag.jjtj September 19, 2020 3:01 pm
    God that’s so true. Rape is actually so common, I know at least 3/4 rape victims (2 guys in that) and it’s truly absurd how many people get away with it. They think they didn’t do anything wrong and blame... ag.jjtj

    Btw my brother took a pic and this guy was like at least 5 years older then me