So many comments on this one. Poor Akihito has PTSD again. But it was certainly funny to s...

Miyanoai March 1, 2015 12:41 am

So many comments on this one. Poor Akihito has PTSD again. But it was certainly funny to see him as Rapunzel. :P Also, I wonder who, if anyone, guards the penthouse? I think I remember Kirishima hanging by the entrance at one point in which case, it would make sense if only one person were guarding it that they would be overtaken, but you'd think Asami would have some more security around. Unless the security is simply keeping his location a secret (I have no doubt that when Akihito "dug up" where he lived that it was only because Asami allowed him to xD)

    Lightasus March 1, 2015 1:01 am

    Well, it was noted that he causes stress to the others because he goes aroung with only two bodyguards, so I wonder if there's much more security around the penthouse aha.
    Though on the last page (which wasn't in the raws) Asami said "This room can't be found". So here's his "security" I guess aha.

    qwerth__aa March 1, 2015 1:05 am

    I was wondering the same thing while 'reading' the raws. And, yeah, I think if there only one or two persons guarding they would be overtaken, but it IS careless of Asami =/ I'm just hoping that Asami and Aki can escape or some of Asami mens would come for help.
    Put it aside, was a great chapter x)

    fan March 1, 2015 1:12 am

    there is one guard, i think the guard will hear the gun shooting and will call the security.

    Miyanoai March 1, 2015 1:16 am
    there is one guard, i think the guard will hear the gun shooting and will call the security. fan

    That's not the guard. That's the concierge of the building, lol.

    Tea March 1, 2015 1:36 am

    Looking at the raws, it looks like they scaled the apartment building. Especially at this late at night, I'm sure security had slackened a bit.

    adderall March 1, 2015 5:49 am

    those guys attacking them don't exactly look like "mafia-related" people type, they look like a swat-unit breaking in...

    Lightasus March 1, 2015 6:01 am

    ^They're laughably failing too. Just how much did Asami take down like they were some flies? They have all this gear and Asami's like shirtless xD

    fan March 1, 2015 9:24 am
    That's not the guard. That's the concierge of the building, lol. Miyanoai

    the point is , he will hear the shooting and call the security

    Miyanoai March 1, 2015 9:11 pm
    ^They're laughably failing too. Just how much did Asami take down like they were some flies? They have all this gear and Asami's like shirtless xD Lightasus

    Not to mention being knocked out by a freaking frying pan...

    Lightasus March 1, 2015 9:39 pm
    Not to mention being knocked out by a freaking frying pan... Miyanoai

    Omg xD
    If it's Yuri knocked down by Akihito in briefs with a frying pan... :')

    Miyanoai March 1, 2015 9:59 pm
    Omg xDIf it's Yuri knocked down by Akihito in briefs with a frying pan... :') Lightasus

    Yeah I just brought that up in the other thread.

    Lightasus March 1, 2015 10:06 pm
    Yeah I just brought that up in the other thread. Miyanoai

    I'm a sucker for randomness, don't mind me ( ̄∇ ̄")