Yes!! i really said the same thing!!!!! i hope they update soon the last page and i really saw that guy like Yuri!! ^-^

Oh my god...do you know how frickin stupid you sound? You saw ONE EYE for christ sake, and you determined it was Yuri just from that? HOW?? Yuri has nothing to do with this current arc, he hasn't been involved in years (the storyline has moved one 1 or 2 years since Hong Kong) he was shot off the back of a ship about 10 times. no one could survive that. Asami made sure he was DEAD. God so many idiots are in this fandom, i feel embarrassed sometimes

The girl's just having fun speculating, where's the problem?
He does seem to have survived it, we saw him in the extra, and the ship wasn't in the middle of the sea to begin with. They were still in harbour. And lol, he wasn't shot 10 times, I saw two or three, and please remember we're talking about fiction. Wether the extra is canon or not can be debatable, but show some respect to those who believe it is. It's not even that important, there are so many other more important things in life one should get bothered by.
Now, I myself noticed that pattern with the one-eyed guy (oddly similar to Yuri). I'm not sure if it's supposed to be the same guy in the suit, I guess we'll have to wait and see. I sincerely hope people in this fandom can let others breathe and speculate to their heart's content.

You can feel embarrassed by “many idiots in this fandom” like me, as you said. I, on the other hand, would have been embarrassed to post a message this aggressive and insulting to somebody (especially somebody you don’t know). I’ll say you something: everyone has the right to say what they think and to make suggestions. I didn’t “determine” it was Yuri, I just said that I think it’s Yuri but I may be wrong (only the author and her coworkers know the story). I’ll also advise you to reread Viewfinder (especially the chapter 35.3 page 28) before “determining” that Yuri is truly dead.

lol you fool. you're the one sitting there putting 2 and 2 together and getting 501979. PLEASE don't be a police or a detective because we'd all be FUCK'D! And again, fool, anyone knows that .5 chapters are filler chapters. Those particular .5 chapters are not part of the main storyline, they're spinoffs, sensei even said so herself.

Just to point out something, just because we only saw one eye, it does not necessarily mean the character only has one eye, as there have been a number of times when Akihito (and other characters) have been drawn with missing facial parts - like his nose for instance. I think it is a type of shorthand that mangakas use quite often, and it lets the reader fill in the details. The one eye picture of the shooter left the other upper half of his face was left in shadows. I don't want to shoot down your theory that this could be Yuri, just that there are some other possible explanations. *winks* (in the extra, by the way, the guy who looked like Yuri was wearing a patch, and this guy was not, which does not mean a whole lot, but there you go)

Uh, I say no. And don't twist what sensei says, she said she did a threesome and that many people asked her to so she did her best to please them. Nothing more than that, it doesn't dictate wether it's canon or not, and she surely didn't leave a note in the volume to say it wasn't.
Have a good day ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I hope the same thing too. And as I like to imagine all sorts of things and thinking a lot about this manga, I hope I won't often see this kind of disrespectful comment.
I thought it would be ironic if it was Yuri because after facing Akihito's gun, he faced Akihito's pan^^. And I think it is also logical as this guy is crazy and focused on Akihito.

Are you sure the ship was in port? I thought Asami had to take a boat to reach the ship, and because gambling is not permitted in Hong Kong that they had to sail out of territorial waters to allow the the casinos to open? I could be wrong, though. Also, Asami had time to patch Akihito back up and have some happy time with his boy before they boarded a plane.

Are you sure the ship was in port? I thought Asami had to take a boat to reach the ship, and because gambling is not permitted in Hong Kong that they had to sail out of territorial waters to allow the the casinos to open? I could be wrong, though. Also, Asami had time to patch Akihito back up and have some happy time with his boy before they boarded a plane. and didn't the guy in the hoodie look a little scrawny to be Yuri, he was a pretty big guy. Just my thoughts here.

You're absolutely right, there're several possibilities to explain why we can only see one eye but I still think it's Yuri. I may be wrong, of course. And it's not even important for me if I'm wrong or not, I don't care. I like this manga enough to follow every paths it will take. I just find it strange to always see a man (same shape as Yuri, with only the left eye) who seems to be very focused on Akihito. It's too strange to be a coincidence in my opinion. Maybe Yuri has taken his patch off his eye.^^ ;)

Aha, yeah not really I guess. I remembered it wrong, it was actually that it wasn't moving. So I guess someone could still get him out of there, maybe he can just get on one of the ledges at sea level: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/you_re_my_loveprize_in_viewfinder/mh/v05/c030/19/
Still not in the middle of the sea though, though indeed I doubt he could swim to the city aha http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/you_re_my_loveprize_in_viewfinder/mh/v05/c029/17/
I mean, I think Yuri's alive (since the extra), but now I couldn't be less sure that he'll show up again.

Too true, the first time I saw Aki drawn without a nose I thought, huh? it is just a small line, why leave it out? But it has happened a number of times, with little bits left out, just her artistic style, I suppose. (I seem to remember Onoda [stalker dude] being drawn without a pupil in one eye too, but I have not gone back to actually search for that. Hehehe)

Eyes do indeed disappear crazy with Asami:
Asami's very satisfied face ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I guess it gives off a more dramatical effect or something.
Not sure what your second point is. I just see a city somewhere in the horizon, not hopelessly far. Though our definitions of "in the middle of the sea" could by different aha. I don't think it's quite revelant anyway, I believe he still couldn't get in there by his own lol.
I (rererere) reread the new chapter and I think that Yuri is the guy hit by Akihito with his pan. We can see just an eye (the left one), as usual with Yuri, and the shape of the man seems to be the same as the Russian as well. Also, does anybody know where we can find the last page of the chapter? Theorically, there're 19 pages released and we could "only" read 18 pages. And on the last page (where Asami kisses Akihito's hair) there's no date for the next chapter so there's a page which misses. I'm dying to be able to read it as I can't get enough of this manga :D