My thoughts exactly! However, I have a feeling the Seme is going to end up falling in love with the Uke instead, and a relationship is going to form from that. AND I HATE THAT! The uke needs to get the fuck out of that, right now! He is an abusive son of a bitch, and if i'm right about how it's going to end, I call bullshit!!!
..... pardon my french

I think you are most likely correct about the direction that the story will go. The end of this first chapter does seem to point in that direction.
... I know that this kinda thing happens in Yaoi storylines ... Lord knows I've read enough of them. But there's something different about this one. Maybe it's just the mindset I'm in tonight, but I really found it harder to take. I mean, bullying can be hot in the storylines sometimes. Some of my favorite Yaoi couples started out with one of them bullying the other (Hidoku Shinaide for example) . But this Seme is just cruel...
I agree with you. I also call Bullshit!
... I'll pardon your french if you pardon mine.

yeah, a lot of really good yaoi start org with bullying, but you're right about this one being different. this isn't bullying, its abuse. horrible, horrible abuse. and the uke show the signs of being in an abusive relationship, it's so clear that it's painful!! Or maybe I just take it too personally, since a good friend of mine used t be in a relationship like this. And just like the uke, she started believing she deserved the base, and it was worth it just to stay with him. I mean he's apologizing while being raped!!!My point is, this is not going to turn in to a healthy relationship. The Uke needs to leave him, and find someone else. I know it's not that easy though...
Your french has been pardoned
Really... Harsh. And that's being delicate.
Seme is f***ing horrible! Honestly, the only way this one could get better for me is if the Uke actually finds someone that really loves him and treats him LIKE A HUMAN BEING. :(
This is only in my opinion of course.