Uploader-san stop what you are doing now!!!

omander September 17, 2020 10:24 am

Uploader-san stop what you are doing now!!!

    Daisuke Kambe's Kondom September 17, 2020 6:33 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! nykole

    It ain't

    Joonie Poonie September 20, 2020 5:58 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! nykole

    The uploader IS the author

    Daisuke Kambe's Kondom September 20, 2020 6:18 pm
    The uploader IS the author Joonie Poonie

    No it's not

    Joonie Poonie September 20, 2020 7:30 pm

    Yes, they are?¿

    Joonie Poonie September 21, 2020 2:11 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! nykole

    Who's the original author/creator?

    Joonie Poonie September 21, 2020 2:13 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! nykole

    Because the original author IS the mfing uploader.

    Daisuke Kambe's Kondom September 21, 2020 6:10 am
    Because the original author IS the mfing uploader. Joonie Poonie

    Ah yes, because the author would uploaded *her own* work on a site for people to read illegally where she won't make any money

    Daisuke Kambe's Kondom September 21, 2020 2:19 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! nykole

    No, I literally just said it isn't, that was sarcasm

    Joonie Poonie September 21, 2020 2:58 pm
    Ah yes, because the author would uploaded *her own* work on a site for people to read illegally where she won't make any money Daisuke Kambe's Kondom

    I know! That sounds insane, right? But that's exactly what's happening here. The author IS the uploader and is uploading her work to an illegal site to get more patrons. She makes it so tacky here, so that more people will feel the need to subscribe to her patreon for 20$ a month.

    Daisuke Kambe's Kondom September 21, 2020 6:39 pm
    I know! That sounds insane, right? But that's exactly what's happening here. The author IS the uploader and is uploading her work to an illegal site to get more patrons. She makes it so tacky here, so that more... Joonie Poonie

    Oh lmao, thanks for clearing that up

    omander September 22, 2020 2:24 am

    Okay karens keep arguing

    Joonie Poonie September 22, 2020 5:59 am
    Okay karens keep arguing omander

    I'm not a Karen lol. Plus this was more of a misunderstanding.

    Joonie Poonie September 22, 2020 6:00 am
    Oh lmao, thanks for clearing that up Daisuke Kambe's Kondom

    It's all good.