I think my definition of healthy is simply different than yours. Sweet moments are nice, but does the picture as a whole say "healthy?" Not to me. This game is "who can hurt each other more," in my opinion, stems from something deeper than a lack of communication. And I'm all for character development and plot, and I don't see how differing opinions insinuate I or others who might agree with me wouldn't. I don't like Joowon, and despite the obvious shift towards self-reflection and change the writer has him on, I still think he's an arrogant jerk. Taku isn't exactly my favorite either, but I prefer him and his transparency. I also find his journey to love with Haesoo promising, and what could have been the start of something good will likely end with that exhibit. Taku was created to break the chain of abuse holding Joowon and Haesoo back, and once he's served his purpose, he'll no longer be in the picture. Joowon and Haesoo are endgame. They'll finally communicate and everyone (except maybe Taku) will live happily ever after.
yes, I do think they split. they haven’t contacted each other, haesoo entered a new relationship right away, and joowon was entirely ready to let haesoo go if that made him happy (86 raws). the fact that they constantly think of each other is no indication that they’re still somehow together (sis they ain’t communicating via their minds )
and yes, you can argue that taku isn’t the sole reason for his suffering. but you also can’t deny the fact that haesoo’s character becoming drastically less expressive than in the beginning and him losing weight only really aligns with the moment he became involved with the other one. his mom realized he was losing weight recently, not the dinner where he was technically still “with” joowon.
anyways, thanks for the good conversation (genuinely). don’t know if you’ve seen my other ones with a special someone else (if you’re reading this, yes this directed @ you) but some people get personally offended for literally no reason. here, i think we’re just on completely opposite ends of the LoH spectrum, so it’ll be near impossible to draw a conclusion, but that’s okay. Personally, I’ve always thought Joowon & Haesoo drove the plot.
I don’t think they're communicating with their minds... I simply think Haesoo's heart isn't in his relationship with Taku. It's still with Joowon, and it's why he's suffering and losing weight. I never denied the fact that Haesoo's decline started with his undefined/defined relationship with Taku. I challenged the idea that it's simply because of Taku and nothing else. I think the weight loss is guilt over being with Taku when his heart is with Joowon, and heartbreak that he's trying to heal by jumping into another relationship he has no idea how to maneuver. All this complicated by the fact that Haesoo has never been in a real relationship, so he has no foundation to base his conflicting feelings on. Is it a surprise that with all that's happened/happening that he'd lose weight? I just think it's interesting how quickly the blame is placed at Taku's feet, and Joowon gets to be the good guy who's just bad at communication and is doing the heoric thing by bowing out so Haesoo can be "happy."
Not sure if all the comments on my original post were directed at me. Hell, I'm not really sure the comment I'm responding to right now is directed at me... but I'm not offended. However, I do find it interesting that my difference in opinion somehow means I missed the plot, character development, or don't understand the Manwha. I'm all for a good debate, but when there is no common ground to start on, the likelihood of offending someone is far greater. I suppose I'll just stay on my side of the spectrum.
...but Haesoo will choose Joowon. Why? Because the pain and abuse is addictive. No one stays in such a destructive relationship for 10 years and just...walks away. Misery loves company, and in that respect Haesoo and Joowon are a match made in heaven. It just hurts too good.