does your family love anime ?? or do you know someone that you can talk about anime ??? m...

shizaya February 24, 2015 5:23 am

does your family love anime ?? or do you know someone that you can talk about anime ???

my family consist of anime lovers ..

"my dad" loves anime but he only watch sports , fantasy , action , adventure anything that is shounen..
"my cousin girl #1" is the one who introduced anime, manga and yaoi to me her boyfriend is also an otaku who loves anime and manga. He also know that my cousin is a fujoshi.
"cousin girl #2#3#4#5" also love anime but they dont like reading manga and they are not a fan of BL but they actually liked junjao romantica..
"cousin boy #1 also loves anime he watch shounen and ecchi..
"cousin boy #2 also loves anime he watch anything that is shounen..
"cousin boy #3 loves any genre .. but he loves romance and shoujo the most..

ahhhh .. but "cousin girl #1" is the best I can discuss yaoi with her , listen drama cd with her and I can also read uncensored yaoi in front of her ..but I am the only one who loves listening to vocaloid .. she also loves pocketbooks

"friend #1#2" only love shoujo
"fried #3" loves shoujo and shounen the only person that I can really discussed anime at school ..

    Josuke February 24, 2015 6:15 am

    I have an older sister who used to love it a whole lot, and she's the reason that I got into anime. Heck, when I got a little older, I ended up getting her into yaoi! We would even go to anime conventions together and cosplay. But now that we're both adults, we ended up drifting apart, and she's not really into anime anymore. It makes me kinda sad sometimes...

    Anonymous February 24, 2015 7:28 am

    sadly not as much as i would like :( My cousin is really into it, but we're into the same kinds... we both like a variety of genres but surprising we only have snk and bleach in common...he hates all the others that i love and vise versa. My mom and sisters only like romance, and they have to be in english so it's very limited

    Merlo February 24, 2015 7:35 am

    My two twin sisters (we are a triplet!) both like mangas, anime, and yaoi of course (⌒▽⌒). We also cosplay etc... but we don't read often the same mangas or type of mangas (for example I like shounen-ai and sister1 like smut).
    Unfortunately sister2 is not really into manga anymore, but she still read fantasy and yaoi thing.
    I have also a friend who started to read manga, shoujo, and asked me for advices. Soon she will love yaoi~~

    Random Sarah February 24, 2015 8:18 am

    I feel really lucky that my school has a lot of anime fans. We even have club! And out of the 40-50ish people in there I know at least 5 other girls who like yaoi and meny others that I can easily corrupt. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anonymous February 24, 2015 8:51 am

    You guys are quite lucky. Most of my family don't really look upon anime or manga with a good light... not that they hate it or anything, but they think its too childish or whatnot. And thats just considering normal manga and anime. BL discussion with my family... nope, can't imagine it.
    I do know some friends that like anime, but they are really not as into it as I am. More on the line of " yeah, I remember I watched that long was good". End of conversation.
    Sad circumstances are sad. But at least I can talk about stuff here :D

    Merry February 24, 2015 10:44 am

    I' d love to have someone to talk to. I made my mother watch anime but she only watches romance and that only when I stay with her in the same room. She lets me talk about manga and anime and she listens to me but I don't think she has a clue what I'm saying ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    My friends also watched 2-3 animes because I recommended them but they aren't into it like I am so I really don't have someone who understands my blabbering. Also when I told some girls I read manga almost all the time and I don't watch TV they said 'POOR YOU'! We don't have to be the same and I enjoy what I do!!( ̄へ ̄)

    lily_nuit February 25, 2015 3:16 am

    most of the time i feel really lonely, i don't know anyone who like it... especially yaoi...! hopefully I we have place like here ! (=・ω・=)