I really love this manga! The mainstory with the arabian prince was so cute! <3 I canno...

Rakan-Otaku February 23, 2015 2:57 pm

I really love this manga!
The mainstory with the arabian prince was so cute! <3
I cannot remember ever reading about such a pure and gentle arabian prince. Normally, in these arabian themed mangas the princes are always... you know... the exact opposite of a gentleman and they always rape the poor uke. But this is not the case here. It is so unbelievable cute~

    Chiaki@naragathilwithYama March 10, 2015 6:26 am

    Same here. This manga inspires me to imagine enjoying romantic moments rather than melodramatic moments. With mangas where rape acts mainly as romance and the communication between the leads revolves mainly around betrayal, slavery, jealousy, abandonment, obsession, differences of power or status, and other main conflicts that are melodramatic. When reading them, I can only imagine the same melodramaticness of endless tears I would be shedding, were I in the lead's shoes. But with these type of manga, where the leads are amicable, respectful, and causal with each other, I can imagine so many simple romatic moments. I like it that the couple, even if revolved around their romance, talked about matters about others, and places like when Suzuki and the prince went on a date looking at the places they passed by. With this type of romance, I can imagine myself being completely relaxed around that person, eating meals face to face everyday, converse with each other about faily life or debate, learn about the world from each other, go on picnics, argue with each other over trivial matters, and other romantic stuff that are mundane. I just love this manga for being able to imagine enjoying mundane activities in life, without dramatic things happening make it interesting.

    Anonymous May 3, 2015 6:44 pm

    Yeah arabic princes are always made aggressive semes that seizes their first opportunity. This one is a little different. He was willing to offer him to his brother even though he loved him. I'm happy he saved him at the end. And I guess the Khalid or crown prince didn't give him a severe punishment bc it is his brother afterall... And he wouldn't just for a woman the crown prince had a physically attraction to.