
HeyHeyPeople! September 15, 2020 10:32 pm

This man is acting a little too normal for someone who is getting blackmailed and got raped like-, fuck I lost count. If anything, I would probably try my best to keep a distance, and be happy that my rapist is not coming to school, like tf? Is it just me or no?

    Quicksilver September 16, 2020 12:41 am

    the way the story is written, Junho is not all that worried about the stuff Lee Kang's been doing to him. As Junho's mama you can try making him cower in a corner of the school cafeteria so the big bad doesn't notice him, but I don't think Junho will vote you mother-of-the-year for it. LOL
    To answer your q, they've had sex 5 times

    Jorshstein September 17, 2020 6:50 am

    Is this not you I don't know why he brought food over to his house to eat with The talk about how he was feeling about his parents death as if they're friends when 1's a victim in the other is the perpetrator I don't know if Stockholm syndrome has not Registered yet in his brain but We're looking in there situation Knowing that Are blue hair Wonder boy hasn't learned his lesson yet when it comes to Abuses

    Quicksilver September 17, 2020 5:37 pm
    Is this not you I don't know why he brought food over to his house to eat with The talk about how he was feeling about his parents death as if they're friends when 1's a victim in the other is the perpetrator I... Jorshstein

    why don't you guys get it? Junho is not as worried about Lee Kang as you are. You're projecting yourself, values, life-goals, mate-finding requirements, etc. onto a character in a comic book.
    Junho isn't devastated to the point of needing extreme psychiatric help. I'm not putting down rape victims for whom a great deal of help is realistic and necessary. I'm saying that this is a story where reality doesn't apply.
    If you people who have that strong hatred and fear of rape, keep reading this the way people are drawn to look at a car wreck or read about serial murder, you need to admit to yourself that that's the reason you're reading this and be okay with it. It's human. You're human.
    But to not accept that some things that you think are terrible are still subjects of lurid interest to you, and make it all about how you're reading this but that the author shouldn't have written about rape or that the people who are reading it and liking it are somehow sick, depraved, rapists themselves, or sexual predators, or just wrong and immoral, no, it's not your place to take another person's view and call it wrong.

    Jorshstein September 18, 2020 4:31 am

    Look here quick silver understand your point But we're just confused on why he is so concerned about him After all of that that has been done to him but I guess it's human nature to go after something after being Hurt to find out what make it Do such things so that's why I could tell you to read it I wanna see if he can find out What's behind this abusers motives.This is not the worst piece Of work when it comes to dark things It's just Some of us or most of us Or adjusting To the situation a little later than usual.

    HeyHeyPeople! September 18, 2020 8:38 am

    Oh god, If you guys are gonna have an argument, please don't do it here, it's quite annoying when I see a bunch of notifications while I'm reading my manga in peace.

    Jorshstein September 18, 2020 4:23 pm
    Oh god, If you guys are gonna have an argument, please don't do it here, it's quite annoying when I see a bunch of notifications while I'm reading my manga in peace. HeyHeyPeople!

    My bad love I Leave it alone I don't want to disturb you peace

    Quicksilver September 18, 2020 4:43 pm
    My bad love I Leave it alone I don't want to disturb you peace Jorshstein

    yeah yeah, god knows we don't want to bother you with any kind of discussion that might take brains to assimilate.

    Quicksilver September 18, 2020 4:45 pm
    Look here quick silver understand your point But we're just confused on why he is so concerned about him After all of that that has been done to him but I guess it's human nature to go after something after bei... Jorshstein

    jorshstein, love the name, i get you. It's some - most - of the other wankers I don't get.

    Quicksilver September 19, 2020 7:39 pm
    Oh god, If you guys are gonna have an argument, please don't do it here, it's quite annoying when I see a bunch of notifications while I'm reading my manga in peace. HeyHeyPeople!

    i still think your pfp is cute as hell... and i wouldn't want to do anything to cloud your joy. lol