They have a mental age, well supposedly of a 25 year old. They died when they were 20. You make a lot of sense, their abuse totally fucked them plus they are now in a new world, etc, but I find it hard to believe that they would believe a child especially when they were already attacked by other kids (they went to visit the 3rd prince at the time I think). Not only that, they're aware that they really don't have anyone in their camp (family likes them but they don't believe it) so again, why trust a child? I thought maybe they wanted someone to believe and thus fell into that trap but its still annoying, in my opinion at least.

You're right. I don't get that. You make a lot of sense. You make a lot of sense. He IS someone their dad picked out for them to play with. And he IS noble. And a child. It makes no sense for them to trust him. Omg. Mind blown. I didn't even think of that. I was just so angry that my mind was clouded. Thanks. You make so much sense.

Last time they died as teenagers (i read on legal site, arien said they're 23 not 25, so they died at 18 years old which makes more sense since they died wearing school uniform in their previous life), so they have teenager mind not 25-years old adult mind, then they're born again as babies, their mental age is indeed 23 but they haven't live adult life (25 is an adult because they experienced job and adult things, etc., but the twins haven't live that adult life yet), so their mentality is still a teenager at most
What're they supposed to do? They were tortured since they were born. Did you see how many scars they had? Even if they reincarnated they still got abused. I would trust a stranger who's educating me (even though he's a little snake, but they don't know that) more than a family who abandoned me and left me with a woman who even they didn't trust. Than the family who was so powerful they oversee the kingdom but left me to die. Than the nobles who fucked up my life. Bullied me for being different. Than my father who was a deadbeat. And their excuse was "We thought you were dead"? Really? Really? Do you see what's wrong with that? They thought they were dead? They didn't try to confirm their suspicion? What? He's a victim because he fell in her trap. He was supposed to be soooo intelligent but he gave her his blood? What? Why? I'm done. People are blaming these toddlers who used to be highschoolers because they're "idiots". Lol. Who got abused since birth by their mother and left to die by their father. Lol. I'm done. I'm done.