What a chapter to have a cliffhanger. Like some peeps, I came here after watching the movi...

potatopan_ September 14, 2020 3:17 am

What a chapter to have a cliffhanger. Like some peeps, I came here after watching the movie. At first, I thought the anime was super cool and neat. But as I read the manga, I feel like the anime was lacking. They just straight out removed some important parts, which made sense seeing as the anime became quite confusing. Good thing I watched the anime first. Overall, I really like this manga now. Does anyone know what the latest raw is and when will it possibly be translated here again? Thank you so much to ppl who respond. :))

    Quetzaly September 14, 2020 5:52 am

    It's bimonthly, that's why it feels like it's dropped or the uploads are slow. The new chapter should come out this month.

    And I agree, the movie skipped some scenes from the manga but I think they did a good job, they managed to get the atmosphere right