zeugi September 14, 2020 12:06 am

Looked at the available raws and spoiler page, and let me tell you something...
(English is not my main lenguage so excuse me any mistake I've made)

We are IN for a ride. Things get a dark twist pretty fast.
1. After being kidnapped the girls find the first male lead Ash (black hair and golden eyes). Both pinkhaired girl and 1ML get hurt by the bad guys, 1ML saves FL from being stabbed by blocking the knife with his hand (ouch) this irks FL that goes bunkers and ask Ray to kill everyone, after that they get rescued. FL wakes up after passing out from using all her mana. Everyone (except all who died duh) is fine and prime again.

2.FL learn that Ash is a prince during the competition. She pretty much defeats everyone and wins. Meanwhile meets the second (? <~You'll see why) ML Ru-something (cant remember his f* name) an older boy with long red hair, and his little brother (short red hair). FL defeats little brother, but 2?ML ask the king for him to fight FL, as he didn't before. She doesn't want to but can't refuse the kings command. They fight but 2?ML is using some type of magic too in his sword, defeats the FM and BRACE YOURSELF...kills undine, the water spirit.

3. FL gets pretty depressed over the lost of undine as she was very fond of her. A 9 years time skip occurs and now the FL is 19 (...duh) she moved to a house in the forest that the academy made for her.There she studies and lives alone with Ray and...Undine! Turns out she didn't die,only spent three months in the spirit world to heal!. Now the female lead is obsessed with gaining more power and summoning a high ranking dragon water spirit. After trying at 15 and 18 y/she tries again at 19 and finally success. After bathing naked in a pond she meets 3 alumnus, one of them the brown haired guy that askedoutwhen shows ten, from the academy doing courage test, since shes known as the forest witch (LOL) . After that they hear an explosion, its signal asking for help since the ogres are attacking someone. The moment they arrive to the place,they find the 2?ML slicing all the monsters. FL confronts him about the past but he stats that he doesn't remember either the weaklings that lost against him or all the women he had s*x with (a douchbag in my humble opinion). This infuriates the FL that wants to fight him but he refuses as he see her as a weak rival and leaves.

4. The FL is asked to scolt the Demetrius King (the one with blue hair and side ponytail) to a party to celebrate the neighbour kingdom anniversary (yes, the one where the competition took place and where Ash the 1ML resides). There she meets again with the 2?ML little brother who falls for her beauty failing to recognise her from the past. While they talk he tries to kiss her and she stops him by invoking undine he then remembers everything (). Then while the king is giving an speech a folder dragon appears, it wants all the treasures in the palace, but since it wasn't enough to fill the bag it brought,it gets mad and attack FL protects eveyone asking Ray to form a giant shield,but the attack it's too powerful and almost melts Ray, beforet that happens FL ask for the dragon to stop, which works since ray's ability to melt and shapeshift caught it's interest. Then the golden dragon decides that wants the FL and Raytoo, so kidnaps thenand flies away.
-The 1ML may not appear inthe second season since he's on a mission to obtain the throne, cuz there's another competitor.But since the novel and the webtoon go at a different pace who knows how this will be portrait in the story
-Original story is somehow old and is being rewrite, the manga is based on the rewrite.It had 4 volumes originally and a slooow pace according to some. The manga goes much faster, and seeing how the first season has 46 episodes (until the dragon's kidnapping) let's hope for the best.
-This is more personal but I feel that neither of the MLs or secondary "possible romantic interests" are worth much, yes they are pretty and whatnot but they either lack character or likeness, I can't feel a connection to the FLi n any sense. They are either entranced by her exterior beauty or interested in using/testing her power. The only one I could have one ray of hope for is Ash, the prince,since they could bond over the traumatic experience of being kidnapped, comforting each other during tht time and the FL saving them. Well, let's see if this ends up as the typical "oh I have a perfectly sweet loyal man by my side but I'll choose the f*cking c*not that always treats me like sh*t teehee" trope or not ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

If you have read till here pat yourself in the back champ, this was a feat lolヾ(☆▽☆)

    Pug life September 15, 2020 10:39 am

    I Stopped reading after “BRACE YOURSELF” I couldn’t handle it I hope they would have a consistent update for this, it’s really interesting!! I don’t fully like FL but I’m curious and craving for more!!